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 Interest in someone will show up because there is an interest in a particular field is supported by a sense of fun and practiced in the field depends on the talent and the environment. This can occur because there is a need and a fundamental seriousness is called motivation. Interest and motivation need to be developed to improve learning outcomes for learners. At school the teacher should facilitate learners in order to achieve the expected goals. Teachers present and future teachers who are innovative, creative, effective, and capable of reading the present moment to be applied in teaching. Professional teachers in the corridors of the Islamic Education teachers who apply pengatahuannya figure in the cultural-based learning.
Key Word: motivation, interests, learning, learners, the implementation
1 . Problem Background
             The development of learners is a process towards achieving a greater level of maturity or on an individual and complete a qualitative one. The development is a process that runs parallel to the growth and difficult to separate. Factors affecting the money ie internal factors and external factors (environment).
             Environmental factors may be obtained from the mean in the home and school through social interaction. Relation to education, the school is central to the development of students, teachers and others, that the school serves as a place of community and schools should also be able to make transformational changes to curriculum development and is expected to increase interest and motivation to learn and teach.
             On the other hand of course, school-age children need to learn, either repeat the lessons that have been given at school, doing homework (PR) or learn other things outside of school. Importance of learning without having discussed at length would have been realized by all parents.
             Complaints come from parents in general more concerned than their children play too many parents whose children are too much to learn. Even if a very studious child, parents must be exhibited to the people with pride, "Yes ma'am Retno loh, my child is learning avidly. After school learning, learning nap, keep the night when his father had come home yes learn more. So my son was very smart, knows nothing. Sometimes even I do not even know ".
             Another sentence if the child is too much play, "Mrs. Tri Aduuuuuuh, my son was playing only his work .... Around noon, afternoon play, play well tonight. And if my father would tell him to learn, have first shout, threaten first, then he's willing to learn. I become dizzy. Already then it does not memorize multiplication ". So I bought the book HANTRyMATIKA memaksannya of Pak Budi Tri'll have a stock count at a later date.
But complaints about the lack of interest in children's learning can also be caused when a child dealing with the teacher and usually that often occurs in the school environment-related criteria they like teachers who can improve their learning interests.
"The teacher Gao like mothers to me. He hears all our problems and complaints and help us solve the problem "said Zhang Qi, junior high school students in grade 3.
             "Master Syam always funny in class, write our names and made us the spirit of the lesson that, without my knowing it, I became very fond of writing and gradually, I learned a few tricks to write well." Says Shi Yuzing.
Tatang junior grade 2 further illustrates the criteria that teachers are very interested, "Master Hendra, he treats every student equally. The goodness of his heart, he never impartial, we feel relaxed and alive (excited). He's always asking questions or accidentally make a mistake we will be able to fix it. If we say is wrong, he did not blame us. He would even say with a smile. "A great mistake! Mistakes will help us find the problems ". Not very long, most students would raise their hands pemalupun and answer questions ".
"Our teachers know our names, she respects the children, she is always calling us little scientists" and pay attention to each student when teaching ", said a boy from another group.
"Teachers are busy, can understand their students, teach serious, youthful" Ashari said.
"A good way ngajarnya, delicious and definitely baseball way ngomognya fierce. And could be hanging out at her children ", said Nugraha and Abidah replied again,
"If I still like the same teacher that makes irritated, baseball language is raw, in a relaxed, keadaanya know if I'm bored again and teach techniques that have fun"
 2. Problems
From the few quotes above can be concluded that they talk about interest and motivation to learn at home and in the classroom in the direction of parents and guidance teachers. Why is the lazy student learning? So really what is the sense of interest and motivation is it exactly? And how to develop interest and motivation of students?
If children are reluctant to learn, of course, necessary to find out why musababnya, then take an action. Some reasons why children are reluctant to learn, are as follows:
1. Lack of time available for play.
2. 're Having problems at home (eg the atmosphere at home was "chaotic" because of the new baby).
3. Trouble in school (not like / school phobia, so anything related to school so reluctant to do).
4. Are sick.
5. 'm Sad (a fight with a good friend, lost dog)
6. There is no problem or any pain, nor less playing time (even most), it just LAZY.
Lazy Learning In the Indonesian dictionary by Muhammad Ali, described as lazy do-nothing, shy, not like, not lust. Lazy learning means not willing, reluctantly, did not like, not eager to learn.
When children do not like to learn and would rather play, it means learning is considered as an activity that is not interesting for them, and perhaps without them knowing it is also regarded as an activity that is of no use / in it because the children were not directly enjoy the results learning. In contrast to the activities of play, is clearly attractive play activities for children, and they feel the benefits can be directly (good feelings experienced when a play is an advantage).
In education there are several factors that contribute to determining the success or failure of an educational institution in this thing called school. One of the factors contained in the school education is the learning interest of students, because the interest is as a determinant of success in achieving educational goals.
There are definitions of terms expressed interest in learning by experts in education. JP. Guilford (1969: 206) said that the interest can be regarded as a person's tendency to act on his attraction to the type - the type of activities.
Then, according to Lester D. Crow & Crow (1973: 248), that interest is a driving force in giving individual attention to a particular activity, in other words interest in the cause of participation in the activity.
Of some notion of interest in learning, it can be concluded that the interest in education can be interpreted as the impulses of the psychic self-learners in learning something with full awareness, calmness and discipline, thereby causing the individual is actively and happy to do so.
Emphasized again that the correlation between interest in learning to education is a matter that can not afford separated, as interest in learning is a part of education is very important factor as well as the key to success for achieving educational goals, in other words a high interest in learning is a factor supporting education very penting.Dari opinion that it appears the notion that people are really educated belejar characterized by the presence of great interest to the things of value or benefit to himself.
Based on the above opinion, then taken the sense that the function of interest in learning in education is a driving force to do the deed, as a determinant of the direction of the action and the completion of the works to be executed and done so well with the target to target and exclude acts that are not useful for that purpose.
Things that underlying interests of learners can be classified into three factors:
1. Factor in the encouragement of factors closely related to the physical impulse that stimulates the individual to defend himself from pain, hunger, etc..
2. Social motives are factors which can increase the interest to perform certain activities in order to meet social needs (Ikhlas due to Allah).
3. Feelings of emotional factors are factors closely associated with the object and then managed to successfully will lead to feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. Ex. For the sake of somebody.
According to Crow & Crow, the determination of interest of students towards an object does not just happen, it depends on several factors. Interest has a large dependence on internal factors such as:
1. Recollection
2. Curiosity
3. Needs
4. Motivation
According to Shah Muhibin, motivation comes from the Latin "movere" which means "essence" or drive. Contained in the individual motivation will bring about a behavior to meet the "wants or needs". Motivation caused by forces from within and outside of a person. Terseut forces can be divided into several terms, namely "push (drive)", "motif" (motive), "desire (wish)", "need (need)" pressure is defined as the impetus that leads to the fulfillment of physical needs. Motif is the impulse that leads to spiritual fulfillment.
Motivation in a person will manifest a behavior to satisfy a desire or need. Human behavior is essentially goal-oriented understanding of the following are a few theories mitivasi as follows:
1. Antribusi theory (variable assignment) Weiner
Weiner argued about the background motivation Alkison opinion which states that motivation is a variable assignment and disposition of individuals to achieve success. Of this task variable Weiner considers the motivation is an internal process that acts as an intermediary for the task stimulus and subsequent behavior.
2. Theory of Needs (Abraham Maslow)
 Abraham H. Maslow (1954), has an understanding that humans have five or hierarchy of needs increase. As for understanding, among others:
a. Fisiological needs such as hunger, thirst, rest and sex
b. Needs a sense of security not only in the physical sense, but also mental, psychological and intellectual,
c. The need for love,
d. The need for self-esteem, generally reflected in a variety of status symbols,
e. Self-actualization

A quality school places will make the growing interest in learning when students have created an effective learning environment by the school itself. Schools can create innovative and creative learning activities designed by teachers. Teachers also must act as facilitators in how to motivate students with the skills of investigation exemplifies the model of Islamic education so that learners have the curiosity, the bustle of new ideas and data, and skepticism of Islamic Religious Education.
Needs to be done by a teacher to promote, generate and develop the motivation to learn is to give learners:
1. Exemplary.
2. Target and have Plening.
3. Innovative and creative in using the model of learning
4. Deliver the learning objectives.
5. The belief that motivation will determine the success of PBM
6. Provide opportunities for learners to play an active role
7. Should ensure facilities and infrastructure that is conducive
Based on the results of studies on the discussion of the concept of developing interest and motivation in learning, that the key to success for the increase, will arouse and develop interest and motivation of learners is nothing in the hands of teachers are innovative, creative and effective. "Teachers who can deliver those so-called teachers 'professional'.
Professional teachers in the corridor is a figure of Islamic Education Islamic Education teachers who are able to apply their knowledge into the teaching of Islamic education through inquiry and investigation, it is said to be in line with the National Science Education Standards / NRC, (1996:62) as follows, that for inquiry learning at any level, teachers need to guide the Islamic Religious Education, mobilize, facilitate and encourage learners. Teachers act as facilitators in how to motivate students with the skills of investigation exemplifies the model of Islamic education so that students have the curiosity, openness to new ideas and data, and skepticism of Islamic Religious Education. Added again by Trowbridge (1981) he presented his close relationship with the inquiry and asked to be presented with demonstrations, experiments, investigations and discussions of Islamic Religious Education teachers to be able to apply their knowledge towards improving the use and development interests and motivation of students required knowledge about the basic skills of scientific work (KDBI).
According Nuryani Y Rustaman, KDBI regarded as extensions of Scientific Process Skills (KPI) which can develop intelligence, emotional intelligence that includes attitudes and values ​​to achieve the scientific and generic skills required of a teacher.
Fitted again by Brotosiswoyo, Siema and Yunita, that the generic capabilities of Islamic Religious Education in the environment in primary, secondary and higher include:
1. The ability to read and use symbolic language,
2. Developing the concept,
3. Build mathematical models,
4. Evaluate the correctness of data,
5. Use logical inference,
6. Understanding the law of cause and effect,
7. Resolving the problem quantitatively,
8. Direct, indirect, conduct research,
9. Awareness of the magnitude scale
Mastery of knowledge and generic capabilities KDBI applicable to a teacher who will certainly have an impact on the pattern of change in attitudes, behaviors, interests and motivation of learners. According Krench (1982) factors that affect the change of behavior, interests and motivation of students, teachers in making teaching at:
1. Individual self-interest
2. personality
3. information received
4. working group
5. environment that supports
6. implementation of the constructivist
7. research study of Islamic Religious Education
8. hand-on and mind-on activitas
The results of these learners will be expected to get the quality of knowledge, ways of working, critical thinking, teamwork, self-actualization, communication skills, and independence.
From the description on the implementation of the concept of learner interest and motivation in learning science is very clear that professional teachers must have the ability to implement measures to develop interest, motivation of learners. However, not only that, but teachers are also required to perform actions that can generate interest and motivation. The actions that can be done at the time of the learning process include:
1. Provide incentives for students to learn. Incentives can be given to students who do not always have to be material, but can also be awards and attention. Praise the student when he wanted to learn without necessarily ordered (these events may be rare, but if it happens when teachers pay attention to and show it, it can be a valuable incentive for students). Praise in addition to a direct incentive, also shows respect and attention of teachers to students. Students are often hungry for attention and love to be praised. So instead of paying attention when students do not learn by way of a temper tantrum, and when told to learn without a teacher does not give any comments, or just a quick comment without warmth, will be more effectively directed to the attention of teachers of good behavior.
2. Explain the language understood by the students, that learning is useful. Not just so that report cards are not red, but for example by saying "If students study hard and be smart, when you're an adult able to fix the problem quickly, can get sustenance from the intelligence, or may not say telmi by his friends and may be able to carry the name good family.
3. Frequently asked questions about things that are done outside the school the child (not in a state mengintrograsi students, but such as he saw student work, talk about the habits that they do outside of school. Please comment "great", "well good once you "or the other if the student did well. And do not forget to also provide comments on these solutions in children when there is a problem.
4. Setting up a more pleasant learning atmosphere. If every time the conversation ended with a tirade about the PBM-tirade, he would associate it as a learning atmosphere that leaves no unpleasant feelings in students, so teachers who are familiar with the nagging will be avoided by the student make the tricks of the students become comfortable in the classroom could be out joke-joke that bias makes children laugh.
Interest and motivation to learn is a convincing foundation for the success of a learning process. Interest and high motivation to learn which will focus intensively on the subject matter so that learning will be more aggressive, eventually achieving the desired performance. If the students have a strong desire to learn quickly then it will also understand and remember the material presented teachers.
Succeeded in fostering a willingness to learn the teaching learners, meaning it has done the most important. Current and future teachers to be innovative, creative, always able to dilate the eye and ear and be diligent about learning to read an exciting and fun, will create a rich teaching of the word, knowledge, creativity impacting the creation of alternative learning models that match the environment in which it works.
As a professional teacher is expected to not only understand the concept or theory, but the teacher must be able to outline a theory that is, able to apply the action. The wise man said: "Smart is not enough." "Being able to not enough" and "Mau is not enough" professional teacher should know, are able and willing to act "for the progress of their students.

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