Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012
Adequate discussion of teaching methods PAI considered
important not only for prospective teachers, but also for teachers who have
teaching experience. The teachers, both in charge of basic education
institutions and secondary education, by itself never used a number of teaching
methods, such as the lecture method, the method of question and answer, and so
In everyday reality, we often encounter a number of
teachers who use certain methods that are less or not suited to the content and
teaching purposes. In everyday reality, we often find a number of teachers who
are able to choose the right method to teach a particular meteri, but less able
to apply it properly. The result? Of course not sufficient, perhaps even
detrimental to all parties, especially the students and their families,
although most do not realize this.
One of the factors that cause it to be the lack of a good
understanding of the functions and benefits of the use of methods in the
teaching-learning process, so that in studying the teaching methods are less
serious and less noticed.
Based on this background, we feel it is important to
clarify how the role, function, or even studying the benefits of learning methods
PAI. Discussed in this paper will study the usefulness of learning methods that
PAI will begin with an explanation of the functions of teaching methods, the
purpose of teaching methodology, and the role of the methodology of Islamic
Religious Education in the learning process.
The purpose of this paper, in addition to fulfilling the
task group in Subject Teaching PAI also to explain how to use and the role of
teaching methods in education. Hopefully this paper useful.
1. Function Methodology
Methodology has a very
important role in the progress and setbacks pedidikan. Thus the importance of
this method, Mukti Ali said that a decisive and bring stagnation and the
progress is not ignorance or because of the presence or absence of people of
genius, but because the methods and ways of seeing things.
The opinion is by no means
meant to disparage those geniuses, but who would like to say that to achieve
any progress, genius alone is not sufficient, but must be equipped with
precision in selecting the method, which will be used to work in the field of
knowledge, especially in learning. Besides mastering the proper method can
cause a person to develop its exact science anyway. Conversely, those who do
not master the methodology will only be consumers of science, and not the
manufacturer. The graduates of Islamic universities, particularly at
undergraduate level 1, is still considered low and weak in the control method,
so the learning process is not uncommon that the difficulty in presenting material
to students.
Meanwhile we know that
theoretically a student at the faculty Tarbiyah have provided a variety of
theories and methods of learning, but the theory and the method only as a test
of knowledge and material subjects. This also resulted in learners. They are
hard to accept what is taught to them, for lack of master educators teaching
methods. In this case, the students have to really know and understand the
important role of methods in the learning process.
In view of educational
philosophy, methods are the tools used to achieve educational goals. The types
of educational objectives can be seen in the following chart:
TPU : The purpose of
education in general
TPN : The purpose of the
State of Education ,
National Educational Objectives
TI : The purpose of
the Institutional Education, Institute
of Educational Objectives
TK : Curricular
TIU : General Instructional Objectives
ICT : Special Instructional Objectives
General education goals include fostering education in three
main aspects, namely:
a) Development of
physical, health, and skills (psychomotor domain).
b) Construction mind
c) Development of the
liver (affective domain).
Nasioanal educational
goals of a nation describes a good man's view of life (philosophy and / or
religion) are embraced by the people. Indonesia 's
national education goals describe a good human qualities in the eyes of the
nation of Indonesia .
For Indonesia, a good man is the builder of the Pancasila human, and spiritual
health jasamani, have the knowledge and skills, develop creativity and
responsibility, to cultivate the attitude of full democracy and tolerance, can
develop with high intelligence and noble character , love the nation and fellow
human beings in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Constitution of
The purpose of education
at the national level is translated into more specific educational objectives,
namely the purpose of education at the institutional level (agencies), adjusted
to the level and type of education. Institusioanal purpose is educational goals
to be achieved through the level and type of education.
Institutional educational
goals are general qualifications which are expected to have had students who
have completed primary school level education must have had all the earmarks of
a good man in the nation of Indonesia, at a basic level.
Curricular goals are
educational objectives to be achieved in the field of study. So each field of
study defined objectives to be achieved. Instructional objectives are the
elaboration of general education curricular goals. Translation of goals that
many times this is basically the formula is so characteristic of these
educational goals into specific and operational, for basically the purpose of education
can only be achieved if the goals were formulated into a special formula and
Methodology has a double
function, that is polipragmatis and monopragmatis. Polipragmatis where the
method contains an all-purpose dual (multipurpose), for example, a particular
method in a situation of certain conditions can be used to build or repair.
Usefulness may depend on the wearer or the style, shape and ability of the
method as a tool. Conversely, if the method monopragmatis implications are
consistent, systematic and significance according to the condition of the
target given the target method is a human being, so that educators are required
to be careful in its application.
2. Teaching methodology Objectives
Prof. Dr. Omar Al-Mohammad
Al-Syaibany Thoumy argued that the methodology of teaching in Islam aims to:
a. Helping students to develop the knowledge, notice, experience, skills
and attitudes, especially the correct scientific thinking skills and knowledge
in the form of love, love sue and unlock its secrets and felt comfortable and
enjoyable in the search for it.
b. Familiarize students memorize, understand, think healthy, with proper
notice, observe proper, diligent, patient and meticulous in their studies, have
a bold opinion, genuine and patient.
c. Facilitate the process of teaching it to students as much as possible
and help achieve desired goals and save energy and time required to achieve it.
d. Creating an appropriate atmosphere for the teaching of the prevailing
nature of trust, respect, trust and respect between teachers and students and
good relations between them and also improve morale and menggalakkannya student
learning and moving.
This explanation suggests
that the methodology of teaching is needed by educators in order to transform
knowledge to students. Selection of an appropriate methodology is also very
important note by educators. In the selection of the many that must be
considered, among others:
a. The situation of students that included consideration of the level of
intelligence, maturity, other individual differences.
b. Goals to be achieved, if the goal area of cognitive development is
not appropriate to use the drill method.
c. The situation that includes such common classroom situation,
environmental situation. When the number of students is so large, the
discussion method is rather difficult to use especially if the small space
available. Lecture method should pay attention to include the teacher's voice
d. The tools that are available will influence the selection of methods to
be used. If the experimental method to be used, then the tools should be
available for the experiment; consider also the number and quality of the
e. determining the ability of teaching, including physical abilities,
expertise. Teacher lecture method requires physical strength. Teachers who
easily earned, less powerful preaching for a long time, in such case he should
use another method that is not necessarily a lot. Discussion method requires
the expertise of teachers is rather high, because the information required in
the method of discussion is sometimes much more than just the material taught.
f. The nature of teaching materials. This is similar to the type of goals
as in points (b) above. There is a better learning materials delivered through
lecture method, there is nothing better to drill method, and so forth. Thus
some of the considerations in determining the method to be used in the process
of teaching and learning interactions.
3. Methodology The role of Islamic Religious Education in the Process
of Learning
Methodology of Islamic
Religious Education as one of the intra-curricular courses at the Faculty of
Tarbiyah UIN, or majoring in STAIN Tarbiyah have a major role for religious
educators as a prospective student to succeed in his sacred duty as a teacher
of religion, both in Islamic and public schools. Whether or not he succeeded in
teaching can be detected by a change of behavior of students towards
Methodology of Islamic
Education provides great benefits to the learning process:
a. In Islamic teaching methodologies discussed the various methods along
with examples of use in each subject meteri Islamic religious education. Thus
the religious teacher can adapt these methods to the special nature of the
learning materials to be provided and the ability and the development of
learners, so that teaching materials are given more attention to them.
b. Subject matter of Islamic religious education is so broad in scope,
while the relatively short time available, so that religious teachers have
difficulty in establishing the subject matter to students for the achievement
of the objectives of Islamic religious education. Difficulties in teaching can
be overcome by using the methods of Islamic education in the learning process,
so that achievement can be carried out effectively and efficiently.
c. One method can be used to teach various subjects or subject matter.
Similarly, the subject matter or a particular subjects require different
methods in teaching it. By knowing the various methods a teacher can put a
variety of methods in teaching, the learning process easier.
d. Religious teacher who teaches by using effective and efficient method
to enhance the interest and attention of students of religious teaching
materials are provided and can increase their motivation to learn next.
4. Usability Study of Islamic Teaching Methodology
Methodology of Islamic
teachings are very important roles and functions in the teaching-learning
process, so that the teachers should be able to master the teaching methods to
teach, in order to transform science. Students will easily understand the
material presented teacher if the teacher able to communicate well, too. Namely
the one that plays with the mastery of this teaching methodology.
The selection method is
also one important factor. Before we choose a method of teaching, we are
required to understand the various methods to select the method that we will
actually correct. Adjustment methods appropriate to the circumstances,
conditions and availability of tools to implement the method we can see exactly
if we are to master teaching methodologies.
Based on the function and
role of teaching methodology in the teaching process, then learn the
methodology of Islamic teaching to be very urgent in order to understand the
methodology of teaching, prepare to become a good and professional educators.
Professionalism of a teacher is required to promote education, keep abreast of,
and achieving educational goals.
The method is also
one important component of the curriculum in addition to other components.
While the curriculum is the basis of the implementation or the process of
education consists of educational objectives, materials, methods and
evaluation. It is clear that mastery of the methodology is its usefulness in
the learning process.
Educational methods needed
to manage the learning process from preparation to evaluation. Is the John P.
Miller, an expert on learning methods from the Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education, a lot of criticism of the methods of learning. According to Miller,
many students are not interested in studying in the classroom, even they feel
miserable. Therefore drafted an interesting learning model for students.
According to Silberman, if the students just listen to the lesson, they will
not forget, if they remember seeing and hearing a bit, if they hear, see and
hold discussions they will understand, if they hear, see, discuss and do, they
will meperoleh knowledge and skills and if they are able to teach other
students, they will master it.
Rahman did a lot of
criticism of the methods of Islamic education, especially in the Middle Ages is
merely repeating a lesson by heart. Such a method is called mechanical methods.
Instead Rahman advised the Muslims to claim and develop the science of observation,
analysis and experimentation. In addition, Rahman also suggested methods of
double movement. This method can be conceived, formulated and applied again in
the learning process.
Method of a double
movement from teacher to student movement and the movement of students to
teachers. In the learning process is expected not only is there a single
movement, the movement of teachers to students, but there must also move from
student to teacher, even if necessary, there is also movement among his fellow
This explanation would
further clarify an important role in the process of learning methods. Later
that educators are able to create an atmosphere or condition of an effective
and efficient for students pesarta so not boring, and to facilitate students in
understanding, control and acquire the knowledge and skills of the material
presented, so educators need an understanding of teaching methods and the
selection of appropriate methods .
The conclusion of this paper include:
Methodology has a double function,
that is polipragmatis and monopragmatis.
The method is a tool used to
achieve educational goals.
Methodology not only work for
educators but also to learners.
Selection of appropriate teaching
methods is required and must be considered by educators.
The role of Islamic education
methodology in the learning process is very important.
Usability study of Islamic
teaching methodology is very urgent in order to prepare professional educators.
B. Discussion
the end of this paper. Authors are aware of our proverb which says that no
ivory that is not cracked, so that as human beings, in this paper there may be
shortages or there may be errors and mistakes. On this occasion the author with
open arms and gladly would expect our readers to express criticism and
suggestions for improving this paper and for joint repair. Finally, to God
Almighty. writer begged his taufiq and guidance, and offer gratitude for the
guidance and His protection step that this paper can be completed. Hopefully
this paper is particularly useful for writers and for readers in general.
Omar Mohammad al-Toumy, Falsafah Pendidikan Islam, Terjemahan Hasan
Langgulung, Jakarta :
Bulan Bintang.
Nata, Abuddin, Metodologi Studi Islam, Jakarta : PT Raja Grafindo
Persada, 2004.
Ramayulis, Metodologi
Pengajaran Agama Islam, Jakarta :
Kalam Mulia, 2005.
Fazlur Rahman: Kajian Terhadap Metode, Epistimologi dan Sistem Pendidikan, Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar, 2006.
, Pendidikan Islam yang Menghidupkan; Studi Kritis Terhadap Pemikiran Fazlur
Rahman, Yogyakarta : Kota Kembang, 2006.
Ahmad, Metodologi Pengajaran Agama Islam, Bandung : PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2004.v Al-Syaibani,
Omar Mohammad al-Toumy, Falsafah Pendidikan Islam, Terjemahan Hasan
Langgulung, Jakarta :
Bulan Bintang.
Nata, Abuddin, Metodologi Studi Islam, Jakarta : PT Raja Grafindo
Persada, 2004.
Ramayulis, Metodologi
Pengajaran Agama Islam, Jakarta :
Kalam Mulia, 2005.
Fazlur Rahman: Kajian Terhadap Metode, Epistimologi dan Sistem Pendidikan, Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar, 2006.
, Pendidikan Islam yang Menghidupkan; Studi Kritis Terhadap Pemikiran Fazlur
Rahman, Yogyakarta : Kota Kembang, 2006.
Ahmad, Metodologi Pengajaran Agama Islam, Bandung : PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2004.
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