Learn the meaning of the Life Science Learning

Posted by Sonin Minggu, 08 Juli 2012 0 komentar


A. Preliminary

Every human being on the go is certainly learning activities. A student who wants to achieve the goals would have to study hard. Not only in schools but also have to learn at home, in society, as well as in extra educational institutions outside the school.
In order to achieve the goals can not be idle, but must be diligent, persistent and diligent study. Learning is an absolute requirement to be proficient in all things, both in the field of science or skill or prowess.
In the whole process of education in school, learning is the most basic activities. This means the success of the achievement of educational goals a lot depends on how the learning process experienced by students as learners. (Abu Ahmadi, 2004:125)
Learning is a process, and activity is a fundamental element in any organization of the type and level of education. This means that the success of the achievement of educational goals is highly dependent on the learning process experienced by students, both while he was at school and home environment or family. (Muhibbin Shah, 2003: 89).
This shows how important learning for the life of a human being. People have always and always and everywhere to learn bilamanapun she was and will last a lifetime, while life in the bladder body.
For those reasons, learning must be the maximum that anyone can master and gain something. Because it is necessary to know the ins and outs of learning, especially the factors that influence the success of one's learning.

B. Discussion

1. Learn the definition of
If we ask someone about whether it's learning, will be obtained a variety of answers. Differences of opinion about the meaning of learning is due to the fact, that the action learning itself is mixed.
Many types of activities that can be agreed upon by most people as an act of learning such as quoting a sentence, memorize songs, counting and doing math problems, and so forth. Not all activities can be classified as learning activities such as daydreaming, anger, copy, and enjoy entertainment.
With the above facts, lies the many definitions of learning. Here are a few definitions according to experts.
According to Witherington, the book Educational Psychology suggests that learning is a change in the personalities who claim to be a new pattern of reaction in the form of skills, attitudes, habits, intelligence, or an understanding. (Dalyono, 2005: 211)
Skinner, as quoted by Barlow (1985) in his book Educational Psychology: Teaching-Learning Process the, believes that learning is a process of adaptation or adjustment of behavior that takes place progressively. This opinion is summarily expressed in the statement that learning is ... a process of progressive adaptation behavior. Based eksprimennya, B.F. Skinner believed that the adaptation process will bring optimal results if he was given reinforcement (reinforcer). (Muhibbin Shah, 2003: 90)
Gagne, in his book The Conditions of Learning (1977) states that: "Learning occurs when a stimulus situation along with the contents of memory in such a way that affects the students' actions (his performance) before he changed from time to time run into the situation after he experienced a situation said. "(Dalyono, 2005: 211)
Meanwhile, James O. Whittaker defines learning as a process in which behavior caused or changed through training or experience. Definition that is not much different from the definition proposed by Cronbach in his Educational Psychology, states that effective learning is through experience. (Abu Ahmadi, 2004: 127)
From the definitions set forth above, it can be argued that there are some important elements that characterize the notion of learning, namely:
  1. Learning is a behavior.
  2. Learn to bring a change in behavior
  3. Behavioral changes that may be actual, that is visible but can also potential in nature which are not visible at the time, but it would seem on another occasion.
  4. Learning is a change that occurs through the exercise or experiences.
  5. Behavior change due to learning involves both in terms of various aspects of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
  6. Changes that occur due to a deliberate effort.
  7. The changes are heading towards positive change improvement or progress toward

2. Characteristics of the Changes Produced by Learning

Each learned behavior is always characterized by the changes. According Muhibbin Shah (2003: 118) manifestation or embodiment of learning behavior are more often seen in the changes as follows:
  1. Habit
  2. Skills
  3. Observation
  4. Associative Thinking and Memory
  5. Rational and Critical Thinking
  6. Attitude
  7. Inhibition (Choose sikapyang better)
  8. Appreciation
  9. Affective Behavior

1)                   Habit
Any student who has undergone a process of learning, his habits will seem to change. According to Burghardt (1973), the custom arose because of the depreciation trend of response with repeated stimulation. In the process of learning, habituation also includes the reduction of behaviors that were not treated. Because the process of shrinking / reduction of this, a pattern appears to behave relatively new and the automatic stay.

2)                   Skills.

Skills are activities associated with the veins nerves and muscles (neuromuscular) are commonly seen in physical activities such as writing, typing, sports and so on. Despite his motor, but the skills it requires careful coordination of movement and a high awareness Thus, students who perform motor movements with coordination and low awareness may be less or unskilled.
According to Reber (1988), skill is the ability to perform behavior patterns are complex and well-organized and smoothly in accordance with the state to achieve specific results. Not only cover the skills of motor movement but also the embodiment of cognitive functioning that is mental. The connotation was so extensive that to influence or leverage on other people. This means that people are able to leverage other people are also considered to be appropriately skilled person.

3)                   Observation
Observation means that the process of receiving, interpreting and giving meaning to incoming stimuli through the senses such as eyes and ears. Thanks to the experience of learning a student will be able to achieve the objective observation of the right before reaching the destination. The observation that one will result in an incorrect understanding.

4)                   Associative Thinking and Memory
Simply put, associative thinking is thinking in a way appropriate to associate with others. Associative thinking is the process of establishing a relationship between stimuli with the response. In this regard it should be noted that the ability of students to have a true associative very ipengaruhi by the level of understanding or knowledge gained from the study.
While the memory is the embodiment of learning, because it is an essential element in associative thinking. So students who have undergone a process of learning will be characterized by increased deposits of material (knowledge and understanding) in memory, as well as the ability to connect meningkanya material to the situation or stimulus that he was facing.

5)                   Rational and Critical Thinking
Rational and critical thinking is a manifestation of learned behavior, especially that related to pemecaahan problem. In general, students who think rationally will use the principles and the basics of understanding in answering the question "how" and "why". In rational thinking, students are required to use logic to determine cause and effect, analyze, draw conclusions and predictions. In terms of critical thinking, students are required to use certain cognitive strategies appropriate to test the reliability of the idea of ​​solving the problem and resolve any errors or deficiencies (Reber, 1988)

6)                   Attitude
In a narrow sense the attitude of the views or mental tendencies. According to Bruno (1987), attitude (attitude) is a relatively persistent tendency to react in a way good or bad for certain people or goods. Thus, in principle, the attitude that we can think of a tendency of students to act in certain ways. In this case, the realization of students' behavior will be marked by the emergence of new trends that have changed to an object, values, events and so on.

7)                   Inhibition
Inhibition is the reduction or prevention of a specific response because of the other ongoing responses (Reber, 1988). In this study, the inhibition is referred to the student's ability to reduce or stop the action that is not necessary, and then select or any other action which is better when it interacts with its environment.

8)                   Appreciation
Appreciation means a judgment (judgment) on the importance or value of something (Chaplin, 1982). In practice, the appreciation is often interpreted as an award or judgment against both concrete objects and abstract that has a noble values. The point is the word of appreciation is generally directed at the works of art and culture.
The level of a student's appreciation of the value of a work depends on the level of their learning experience. For example, if a student has undergone a process of religious study in depth the level of appreciation for the art of reading the Quran and calligraphy will be profound as well.

9)                   Affective Behavior
Affective behavior is behavior that involves the diversity of feelings such as fear, anger, sadness, joy, and so forth. Such behavior can not be separated from the influence of the learning experience. Therefore, it can also be regarded as the embodiment of learning behavior.
A student, for example, affective learning is considered successful if he had enjoyed religious and sincerely realize the truth of religious teachings that he learned, and make it as a system of self worth. Then in turn it makes the system this value as the claimant lives, both in times and bad (Darajat, 1985)
From the above description it can be concluded that the characteristics of the changes produced by learning can occur in areas of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

3. Stages-Stages of Learning

Because it is a learning activity proceeds, of course, in which changes occur gradually. These changes arise through phases with each other in sequence and functionally related. (Muhibbin Shah, 2003: 113)

By Jerome S. Bruner (Barlow, 1985), in the process of student learning through three episodes or phases, namely:
 a.            Phase information (phase material receipts)
b.            Phase transformation (conversion phase of matter)
 c.            Evaluation phase (assessment phase of matter)
In the information phase, the students who were studying obtain a description of the material being studied. Among the information obtained there is a completely new and some are stand-alone function to add, menmperhalus, and deepen the knowledge that had previously been owned
In a phase transformation, the information obtained is analyzed, transformed, or transformed into an abstract or conceptual form that later in turn can be used for things that are more extensive.
In the evaluation phase, students will assess the extent to which their own knowledge (information that has been transformed earlier) can be used to understand other symptoms or solve problems.
According to Wittig (1981) in his book Psychology of Learning, each of the learning process always takes place in three stages, namely:
 a.      Acquisition (acquisition phase / reception of information)
b.      Storage (storage phase information)
 c.      Retrieval (phase retrieve information)
At the level of acquisition of a student began to receive information as a stimulus and to respond to it, giving rise to new understanding and behavior. At this stage there is also the assimilation of new behaviors in understanding the overall behavior. This process of learning is the most fundamental stages. Failure in this stage will result in failure of the subsequent stages.
At the storage level a student will automatically experience the process of storing a new understanding and behavior that he acquired while undergoing the process of acquisition. These events certainly involve the function of short term and long term memory
At the level of retrieval of a student will reactivate memory system functions, such as when he answered a question or solve a problem. Retrieval process is essentially an effort or mental events in the express and reproduce what is stored in memory in the form of information, symbols, understanding, and specific behavioral response or stimulus that is being faced.
From the above opinion, may be taken in a sense that one's learning through a process starting from receiving the information, then analyze, store and use that information in everyday life and can reveal the return generated by the study of memory.

4. Forms of Learning

In the process of learning is known of the various activities that have a style that is different from one another, both in terms of materials and methods as well as in terms of objectives and expected changes in behavior. Keanekaragaaman type of learning is emerging in the world of education in line with the needs of human life is also diverse.
As for other forms of learning by Muhibbin Shah (2003), namely:
a.       Learning Abstract
Abstract learning is learning that uses abstrak.Tujuannya way of thinking is to gain understanding and solving the problems that are not real. For example, studying mathematics, chemistry, astronomy and religious instruction to the material of monotheism. For that reason the role is indispensable.

b.      Learning Skills
Learning skills are taught using the motor movements associated with the veins nerves and muscles. The goal is to acquire and master certain physical skills. In studying this type of intensive exercises and regular would be required. For example, learning sports, music, painting, dancing and so on.

c.       Social Learning
Social learning is essentially learning to understand the issues and techniques to solve the problem. The goal is to master an understanding of and proficiency in solving social problems such as family problems, friends, groups and social problems are.
Besides social learning is also aiming to set a personal passion for the encouragement of mutual interest and to give opportunities to other people or groups to meet their needs in a balanced and proportionate. For example, on religious subjects, and Civics.

d.      Learning Problem Solving
Learning is essentially a problem-solving learning using scientific methods or thinking sistmatis, logical, orderly and thorough. The goal is to acquire skills and cognitive skills to solve problems in a rational, straightforward and thorough.
In this case, almost all fields of study can make problem solving a learning tool. For this purpose, the teacher (who teaches especially the exact sciences, like mathematics and science) is highly recommended to use models and teaching strategies are oriented to solving problems (Lawson, 1991)

e.       Rational Learning
Rational learning is learning by using the ability to think logically and rationally (in accordance with common sense). The goal is to obtain a variety of skills using the principles and concepts. This type of learning is closely associated with problem-solving learning. With rational learning, students are expected to have a rational problem solving ability, the ability memcahan problem with using common sense strategy considerations, logical, and systematic (Reber, 1998)

f.        Learned Habit
Learning is a process of habit formation habits of new or improved practices that already exist. Learning the habit of using a command other than a role model and a special experience, also using the law and reward. The goal is that students acquire the attitudes and habits of the new act is more precise and positive in the sense of harmony with the needs of space-time.

g.      Learning Appreciation
Appreciation of learning is to learn to consider the importance or value of an object. The aim is that students acquire and develop skills in the realm of sense that this is precisely the ability to appreciate the value of certain objects such as the appreciation of literature, music appreciation, and so on.

h.       Learning Pengetahauan
Learned knowledge is learned by doing in-depth investigation of a particular object of knowledge. This study also can diarti investigative activities / research and experiments / experiments (Reber, 1988)
The purpose is to enable students to learn knowledge mempeoleh or add information and understanding of the specific knowledge that is usually more complicated and require special tips for the study, for example by using the tools labratorium and field research.
Associated with other forms of learning at the top, can be drawn a conclusion that these forms of learning is not only physically, but mentally as well.

5. Factors that Affect Learning

Learning ability of students will determine its success in the learning process. In the learning process, many factors that influence it.
According to Sumadi Suryabrata (2008: 233), the factors that affect one's learning, namely:
       a.            Factors originating from outside of the student, consisting of:
1)       non-social factors, for example: air condition, air temperature, weather, places, tools used for learning, books and props
2)       b. social factors, such as: the time to learn, then there was a lot of children who was conversing
      b.            Factors derived from the students, consisting of:
1)       Physiological factors, such as physical state that will be another fresh influence the physical state that is less fresh, so as well as food and sensory function of the student.
2)       Psychological factors, such as a strong motivation of students to learning activities.
Meanwhile, according to Djaali (2008: 101), while the factors affecting student learning is:
       a.      motivation, namely physiological and psychological conditions contained in someone who encouraged him to do certain activities in order to separately achieve a goal
      b.      attitude, ie a person's readiness to act in the face of a object or situation
       c.      interest, that interest in a matter or activity
      d.      study habits, that is how the technique or how the students at the time studying, completing assignments or reading a book
       e.      self-concept, that is how one's view of himself regarding what he knows and how he feels.
Ngalim Purwanto (2004: 102) states, that the factors that affect learning there are two kinds, namely:
  1. individual factors, such as growth, intelligence, and motivation
  2. social factors, such as family, teachers, equipment and environment.

So, in summary the factors that influence a person's learning can be internal or external factors that can affect the success of one's learning.

C. Conclusion

Based on the above descriptions it can be concluded that learning is an activity that aims to make changes in a person, which includes changes in behavior, attitudes, habits, knowledge and skills pengetahan.
Changes that occur as a result of learning can be cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning through several stages.
The success of one's learning is inseparable from the influence of themselves as well as from outside the individual self. So, because of the influence of these factors would appear tersebutlah students are high achievers and low or fail completely.


Abu Ahmadi dan Widodo Supriyono, Psikologi Belajar, Cet. 2, Jakarta Rineka Cipta, 2004

Djaali, Psikologi Pendidikan, Cet.3, Jakarta, Bumi Aksara, 2008

Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi Pendidikan, Cet. 8, Bandung, Remaja Rosdakarya, 2003

M. Dalyono, Psikologi Pendidikan, Cet.3, Jakarta, Rineka Cipta,  2005 

M. Ngalim Purwanto, Psikologi Pendidikan, Cet.20, Bandung Remaja Rosdakarya, 2004

Sumadi Suryabrata, Psikologi  Pendidikan, Jakarta, Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008

Judul: Learn the meaning of the Life Science Learning
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