Senin, 02 Juli 2012
By: Sonin
Name associated with Umayyad Umayyad Abd
Shams ibn Abdi Manaf bin. He was a key figure in the Quraish tribe of
ignorance. He and his uncle who was named Hashim ibn Abd Manaf always fought
for power and position among the Quraysh. The early arrival of Islam, the
competition is an open hostility and blatant. The Umayyads fought against
Rasullullah and preaching. Umayyad family converted to Islam when the conquest
of Mecca (Makkah Fathul) by Muslim forces led by Rasullullah, where there is no
other way except to embrace Islam.
Mu'awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan was the son of
Abu Sufyan bin Harb, an influential figure of the Umayyad caliph in which at
the time of Abu Bakr as - Siddiq he led the Muslim army in the war to crush the
apostate Riddah.
Mu'awiyah growing larger role in the
caliph Uthman ibn Affan. He was appointed governor in Damascus (Syria).
Events of the caliph Uthman ibn Affan
killing caused a split between Mu'awiyah to Ali bin Abi Talib Usman bin Affan
who succeeded as caliph. Umayyads group was not satisfied with the policy of
the Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib in dealing with the killing of Uthman bin Affan
Dispute between Ali bin Abi Talib and
Mu'awiya finally broke into the Battle of Siffin which took place in 657 AD The
dispute ended with the murder of Ali bin Abi Talib.
Sepeninggalan Ali bin Abi Talib, the
government continued by his son Hasan ibn Abi Talib. However, this rule only
lasted about six months.
An increasingly weak position and his
desire to unite Muslims make Hasan bin Ali gave his government to Mu'awiyah.
Handover event is known as sebutann 'Amul
- the unity of the congregation or the year that occurred in the year 661 AD
Since then, officially the Islamic government was held by Mu'awiyah ibn Abi
Sufyan. He then moved the center of power from Medina to Damascus. By the turn
of the capital city of Medina to Damascus to bring an important influence in
the creative minds of Muslims the next.
Full transfer of power by Hasan bin Ali
to Muawiyah end of democratic government. Leadership Mu'awiyah became the
beginning of the Umayyad dynasty in power and ending the first four caliphs.
Islamic Umayyad descent held power for 90
years, later known as the Umayyad dynasty. Or the Umayyads. The word dynasty
according to Indonesian dictionary meaning descendant of the kings who all came
from one family, while the word means the descendants of the sons
(descendants). This is because the government adopted the system Mu'awiyah
Absolute monarchy (the royal hereditary system). During the period 90-year
reign of the Caliph held by 14 people.
Although many controversial things that
made Mu'awiya bin Abi Sufyan to the reins of leadership and when it came to
power, history has recorded no small role in the advancement of the Umayyad
Islam, especially the expansion of the Islamic lands include:
1. Eastern Region
a. Conquest of Transoxiana, including
Bikund, Bukhara, Khwarizm, Samarkand
and Farghana.
b. Conquest of China
c. Conquest of Sind (India)
2. Northern regions, including North Africa,
Morocco, Tunisia Qayrawan
3. Western region, including Spain,
Carmona, Seville, Toledo, Barcelona, Nabronne, Cadiz and Constantinople.
With wit and insight, the Umayyad dynasty
known to be able to bring Islam to all corners of the world
The reign of the Umayyad dynasty was a
decisive period in the development of Islam. As with other nations, the Muslims
at that time also had both ups and downs of the political, social, cultural,
science, theology, philosophy and mysticism field.
A. Progress-Progress Achieved The Umayyad
A. Progress in the field of Social and
In the reign of the Umayyad dynasty, some
branches of art and cultural progress, especially language arts and literature,
art and sound art or architecture building.
Among one of the factors of progress in
the field of language is a vast area of the Umayyads. Vast territory and
diverse population increase vocabulary and language to the language of
communication among residents. But at the time of Caliph Al-Walid pemerintahann
bin Abdul Malik (86-96 H/705 - 715 AD) occurs uniformity of language. All local
languages, especially in the areas of administration and governance are
required to use the Arabic language. This shows how high the soul of Muslim
nationalism, where they united with the Arabic language. Thus, Arabic
experienced significant improvement during that time.
Language arts progress is closely
associated with the development lughat (language), while the progress lughat
follow the progress of the nation. In the Umayyad period, the Muslims had
achieved progress in various fields which in itself is a growing vocabulary
words and new terms are not present in earlier times.
In addition to the above factors, some
big cities such as Kufa, Basra and Damascus in the time it is the center of
literary development. In the city where people exchange ideas in the Arab
Muslim scientific discussions with nations that have progressed in advance. In
the city are many Muslims who are actively preparing and pouring their work in
various fields of science. Thus there developed grammar (Nahwu and Sharaf), and
science balaghah. Therefore natural that later appeared at that time the people
who pursue these fields. The characters include:
A. Al-Nu'man bin Bashir Anshary, died in
65 H
2. Ibn Al-Hamiri Mafragh, died in 69 H
3. Addaramy poor, died in 90 H
4. Al-Akhthal, died in 95 H
5. Jarir, died in 111 H
6. Abul Aswad Ad-Duwali, died in 69 H
7. Al-Farazdaq, died in 90 H
8. Ar-Rai, died in 90 H
9. Abu Al-Najam Rajir, died in 130 H
10. Abul Abbas Al-Am'a
11. Asya Rabiah, died in 85 H
In addition to gaining further knowledge,
the Muslims also translate books of science that comes from the Greek, Persian,
Roman and India. Once translated in Arabic, all kinds of knowledge is learned
by the Muslims well until they are actually able to manage and reproduce in
Every time the Muslims had mastered an
area, then they are deliberately making Arabic the official language in
government. Unlike the Greeks and Romans that when it came to power in an area,
Making the language of the conquered area
as its official language. As a result, the language of the conquered nation
that long to defeat the language of the conqueror.
In all sectors of government and society
among Islamic, Arabic used officially and always wide. That's why Arabic
gradually extended throughout the region. As a result, many generations that
come after many forget Latin. Christian pastors were many who had studied
Arabic for many churchgoers who do not understand the language of the Gospel
(Latin). Even most of the book Christianity and the Gospel itself widely
translated into Arabic. This is as it says T.W. Arabic that Arnold drove
rapidly across Spain to the place of the Latin language, and even forced them
to translate the book of the law to the Spanish church in the Arabic language.
Of the use of a more extensive Arabic
language requires a language guide that can be used by all classes. That
prompted the birth of a nobleman named Sibawaih. He authored a book that
contains the key points of the rules of Arabic, entitled al - The Book. The
book was renowned even to this day.
At the time of Caliph Abdul Malik, an
update is made in a variety of Arabic writing, one Gubernunya named Hajjaj who
are adept in the art of Arabic writing, vocal signs and apply memperkenalkann
signs point to distinguish some of the same form letter. The renewal is done so
that more sempurnah Arabic and simultaneously eliminate the difficulty for the
reader widespread among non-Arabs.
Similarly, the poets, had a major
influence of Arabic literature. Literature about equestrian dexterity, courage,
Majaz and the fantasies of high value and wonderful literature into the West
via Arabic literature, especially in Andalusia. It is no exaggeration in the
reign of the Umayyad Dynasty in some big cities there are forums or assemblies
of literature that discuss literature, poetry and wisdom.
The art that developed during the reign
of the Umayyad dynasty was the art of carving and sculpture. Rapidly evolving
sculpture at that time was the use of Khat Arabic (calligraphy) as a motif
carving. Many verses of the Qu'ran, hadiths and summarize poems carved and
engraved on the walls of the building of mosques, palaces and buildings.
Among the advances in this field can be
seen on the walls Qushir amrah, Amrah tiny palace. The building is a summer
palace located in the mountains, east of the Dead Sea about 50 miles from the
city of Amman, Jordan. The palace was built by Caliph Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik,
who designed
For a resort in the summer and hunting
time, so the place is often called the hunting palace.
For art or architecture of buildings, in
general Umayyads rulers adept at it. They devote attention to the progress of
this field. The result is the establishment of a number of magnificent
buildings. Masjid Baitul Maqdis in Jerusalem, Palestine Kubbah famous
Al-Sakhra, the dome of stone erected in the reign of the caliph Abdul Malik bin
Marwan in the year 691 AD The building is a beautiful relic of the heyday of
the Umayyad dynasty. Building a mosque is a mosque with a dome-covered roof. In
addition, Abdul Malik built the mosque of Al-Aqsah no less arsiekturnya high
artistic value.
A beautiful mosque with a high
architectural styles are also available at Damascus built by Walid bin Abdul
Aziz as the palace mosque. The room is decorated with various ornaments mosque
made of marble and mosaics.
2. Advancement in the Field of Science
Although the rulers of the Umayyad
dynasty prefers business development territory and military power, there was a
positive effort is made to the development of science. One of the development
effort is to provide encouragement and provision of adequate funding for the
scientists, artists and scholars want to do science. Budget provision was
intended to scientists no longer think about their finances, so they
concentrate on work.
Muslim intellectual activity developed
and developing countries along with the progress of civilization and the
expansion of its territory. At the time of this dynasty, the scientific world
Muslims have started up the development of various disciplines, as tangible
evidence of the depth and breadth of study by its scope.
The Muslim community has been ready to
adopt the science of old civilizations, they confidently absorb all useful and
can enrich scientific granaries, ranging from the legacy of Greece, Persia and
India. They are brave and responsible to trace every niche of the nation with a
description of the various intellectual and cultural background of different
As for other factors that influence the
development of science during the reign of the Umayyad dynasty was the freedom
given by the rulers of teaching and learning activities, conduct research,
publish and debate the results of the study. This is called freedom of academic
freedom that can be likened to the foundation at the bottom of the structure of
science. Furthermore the freedom of movement of scientists, where they are
known as a very dynamic, where they were always adventurous and move from one
place to another in order to seek knowledge. By doing the movement as a natural
means of ideas and pemikirannyapun-movement and travel. This means that the
circulation of books dynamically scientists.
The existence of freedom of speech, talk,
explain, expression and thought is also a factor that supports the development
of science in this period.
Center of scientific activity during the
Umayyad Dynasty was a city of Basra and Kufa in Iraq. Development of science is
marked by the emergence of Muslim scientists in various fields.
In the reign of Caliph Umar bin Abdul
Aziz often mngundang fakaha the clergy and the royal court to review the
science in the various assemblies. Other scholars who appeared at the time was
Hasan al-Basri, Ibn Shihab az-Zuhri and Wasil ibn Ata '.
Then when Islamic science developing,
Arabic also play a role important, because the Muslims and non Muslims
scientists who wrote many of their works into Arabic. Gustave Lebon said that
the translation of the books of the Arabs (Muslims), especially scholarly books
became almost the sole source for teaching. He further said that the Muslims in
Andalusia (Spain) during the Umayyad dynasty more inclined to libraries and
scientific research institutions in various places.
Besides translating the ancient Greek
books they are also actively engaged in industry and trade. Versatility of the
Muslims in the field of science has to juggle the first Spanish land turns into
desert a fertile country.
In addition to the books translation
efforts, efforts to advance science is also done by the caliph with the giving
and sharing a great gift for anyone who can produce scientific papers. Besides,
also the caliph sent some Muslim scholars to study the various branches of
science that is in the East and West, absorbing science-knowledge and provide
adequate facilities to the sarjanan them. .
Center for science in the Umayyad dynasty
in mosques there. In mosques, there was a study group with each teacher to
teach general science and religion. For example, Abdullah ibn Abbas Tafsir
teaching science at the Grand Mosque in Mecca and Ja'far Ashadiq Chemistry
science teaching in the mosque of Medina.
Among the sciences that developed during
the Umayyad dynasty when it is:
A. Religious Sciences
As for the religious sciences are
evolving at that time as Qiraat science, the science of Hadeeth and Fiqh.
Qiraat science has been progressing earlier than the science of hadith. Qiraat
science is the study of reading the Qur'an. In the world of Islam known as 7
different readings of the Qur'an called Qiraatu sab'ah .. Qiraat is set to be
the basis of reading the Quran. As such it sab'ah qiraah pioneer Abdullah bin
Kathir, Ibn Abi Asim Nujud
Developing the science of hadith during
Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Services that are most important and remembered a
lot of people of all time is his business doing bookkeeping hadith. This
business is done on the basis of the consideration that many hadith scholars
who died in various battlefields, in addition to the many false hadith, hadith
it is feared will be lost, or because many false hadiths, it is difficult to
determine which one is true - true of the apostles and what is not.
Another reason dibukukannya hadiths
because hadiths in Islam ranks second as a source of law in Islam after the
Qur'an. If the Qur'an had been recorded at the time of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan,
the hadith collection and writing done in the reign of Caliph Umar bin Abdul
Aziz (99-101 AH). Umar ordered the governors and scholars to gather and write
the hadith in order to spread Islam to the public. Al-Zuhry one of the leading
scholars in the Hijaz alone were assigned to collect and write the hadith in
the sheets are then sent by the Caliph Umar to the governors in the region.
Although the caliphate has not had time to see the work of Al-Zuhry as he was
dead, the work done Al-Zuhry quite successful.
Further efforts continue hadith books by
scholars and the caliph after Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Writing activities and
hadith books along with the growth and development of other sciences in the 2nd
century H. Therefore, this period is called the period of the hadith books
(codification or tadwinul hadith).
Among the scholars who gathered in the
2nd century hadith H is:
- Ibn Juraij in Mecca
- Muhammadd son Isaac at Madinah
- Sa'id ibn Abi Urwah in Basra
- Sufyan Al-sauries in Kuffah
- Al-Awza'i the Syrians
in the century 3 H occurs in both the hadith books and works of the scholars of
this period used as reference in the science of Hadith until now. Scholars are:
- Imam Bukhari, in his Sahih al-Bukhari
- Imam Muslim, Sahih Muslim with his work
- Imam Nasa'i, with his Sunan Al-Nasa'i
- Imam Abu Dawud, Sunan Abu Daud in his
- Imam Turmudzi, with his Sunan Turmudzi
- Imam IbnuMajah, with his Sunan Ibn
commentary on this period have not been so experienced rapid development as it
occurs in the reign of the Abbasid dynasty. Interpretations developed only from
the oral to oral until finally written. Commentators at the time it is first of
Ibn Abbas, one of the companions of the prophet who died in 68 H.
While the new science of jurisprudence
has developed in later periods, especially during the reign of the Abbasid
2. Science History and Geography
The science of history and geography have
also grown at this time. One historian who has successfully written numerous
historical events that occurred before and during the reign of the Umayyad
period is Syaryah bin Ubaid Al Jurhumi. He was ordered by Mu'awiyah to record
some of the science of history. Among his works are The Book of Proverbs and
the Book of Al-Muluk wa al-Madhi Ahbar. Besides Ubaid, there are other
historical writers such as Shuhara Abdy who lived during Mu'awiyah. He managed
to write a book Kitab Al-Proverbs.
3. Medicine
In medical science has developed at the
Caliph Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik. In the year 706 AD he founded the School of
Medicine. Al-Walid ordered the doctors to conduct research activities with a
sufficient budget. The doctor on duty was paid by the State instituted. He also
forbade lepers to beg on the streets. In fact, it provides special funding for
leprosy patients and the doctors were instructed to continue to conduct
scientific research on medical science.
For the development of medical science,
the Umayyad caliph asked for help from the doctors at Jundisahur to assist the
development of this medicine. After that many medical experts to be the
personal physician of the caliph, whom Atsal, a Christian, and Al-Hakam
B. Development of Knowledge in Theology,
Philosophy and Mysticism
A. Development of Knowledge in the Field
of Theology
To explore in depth the intricacies of
religious beliefs or give based on the strong foundation that is not easily
swayed by the circulation time, we need a theology that addresses the basic tenets
of a religion.
Problems in the Islamic theology begins
with the problems that occur in the political field that is the issue of power
struggle between Ali bin Abi Talib and Mu'awiya. In the battle of Siffin, where
troops urged Ali to Muawiyah soldiers who nearly defeated, but the right-hand
Mu'awiyah named 'Amr bin' Ash picked up the spear to the Al-Quran on it as a
sign of peace.
The attitude of Ali who received a ruse
'Amr bin' Ash to conduct arbitration (peace), even though the state was forced,
not approved by a majority of the troops. They argue that the same can not be
decided by arbitration humans. The verdict comes only from God to return to the
laws that exist in the Qur'an. He hukma illa lillah (there is no law other than
the law of God) to be their motto. Then the question arises who is kafir and
who is not a pagan in the sense of who has out of Islam and who are still in
Those who viewed Ali guilty, therefore
they leave barisannya.Golongan is called by the name of al-Khawarij the people
who came out and broke away. This group considers that Ali and Mu'awiyah were
Gradually the group is broken into
several sects. The concept is also experiencing a heathen also considered kafir
perubahan.Yang no longer just people that do not specify the Koran law, but the
sins of the people who are also said to unbelievers.
The issue of the sinner is then a major
in theology, giving rise to growth theology three streams, namely:
A. Khawarij flow
says that the great sinners are infidels and out
Islam because it must be killed. Even though they have experienced
the Khawarij set back line and forward
resistance to Muslim rule official at the time of the Umayyad dynasty
the Abbasid dynasty. In the field opposite their constitutional
back to the government at that time.
According to them the caliphate should be selected
freely by all Muslims.
2. The second stream that is Murji'ah
says people who have remained faithful to sin and not the heathen. As a matter
of sin which he did it is up to God. This group was neutral not to meddle in
the conflict that occurs when it is.
3. The third stream is Mu'tazilah
think those who committed major sins are not believers nor unbelievers. This
group brought the problems are more profound theological and philosophical
nature of the problems brought by the group and Murji'ah Khawarij. In his
discussion, they use a lot of sense, so they got the name of the rationalists
of Islam.
2. The development of the philosophy of
the Umayyad Dynasty
If the views of history in general, that
the Greek philosophy into the world of Islam at the end of the Umayyad Dynasty
and its development peak during the Abbasid dynasty.
Muslims do not recognize at first
philosophizing activity of pre-or early Islamic era, especially in the Hijaz
region the birthplace of Islam. Nevertheless, Muslims from the beginning was
the potential to be interested in philosophy. This is because the basic
attitude of the Qur'an and the Hadith in connection with the activities of
thinking and the use of human reason. The second source is loaded with messages
that emphasize the importance of science and the need to use reason. This
suggestion can be used as a trigger growth and development of philosophical
thought among Muslims at that time.
As we know that Islamic philosophy was
adopted from the philosophy of the Greeks and Persians., Then based on the
commands and moral guidance of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Philosophy and
philosophizing on the activities of the Umayyad Dynasty played a major role in
actualizing the potential of helping Muslims to think rationally, giving rise
to rational streams as Mu'tazilah.
The birth of philosophy also helped
strengthen the foundation of Islam in the course of development time, which
offers a philosophy of ijtihad thinking patterns and influence in the
development of Islamic teachings.
Through the growth of science and
philosophy of the philosophers of science to build the basics of civilization
and established patterns of thinking according to the guidance of Islamic
3. The development of Sufism In The
Umayyad Dynasty
Before the birth of Sufism flow, it first
appeared Zuhd movement that arose in the late first century and the beginning
of the second century of the Hijra. Zuhd doctrine is the doctrine to stay away
from worldly things to achieve and maintain self-reward hereafter from the doom
of hell.
According to Nicholson, the birth of the
Islamic movement Zuhd life caused by two factors, namely the impact of the
teachings of Islam and Christian teachings. The factor of Islamic teachings
that affect the birth of the movement as a practice Zuhd the word of God, the
life and sayings Rasullullah, Companions and Successors. While the influence of
Christian teachings away from the familiar world or live in seclusion in a
Meanwhile, according to al-Taftazani,
that which led to the birth of Islamic movements in the factor Zuhd the Qur'an
and the Hadith, and political social conditions.
Many Quranic verses explaining that
includes teaching them Zuhd
: 20 :
(#þqßJn=ôã$# $yJ¯Rr& äo4quysø9$# $u÷R9$# Ò=Ïès9 ×qølm;ur ×puZÎur 7äz$xÿs?ur öNä3oY÷t/ ÖèO%s3s?ur Îû ÉAºuqøBF{$# Ï»s9÷rF{$#ur ( È@sVyJx. B]øxî |=yfôãr& u$¤ÿä3ø9$# ¼çmè?$t7tR §NèO ßkÍku çm1utIsù #vxÿóÁãB §NèO ãbqä3t $VJ»sÜãm ( Îûur ÍotÅzFy$# Ò>#xtã ÓÏx© ×otÏÿøótBur z`ÏiB «!$# ×bºuqôÊÍur 4 $tBur äo4quysø9$# !$u÷R$!$# wÎ) ßì»tFtB Írãäóø9$# ÇËÉÈ
20. Know, that fact of life This world is
but play and amusement, pomp and boast of you and proud of pride about the many
wealth and children, such as rain-crop planting farmers admirable; Then the
plants are dry and you see the color yellow then be destroyed. and in the next
(later) there is a harsh punishment and forgiveness from Allah and His good
pleasure. and the life of the world is nothing but a deceiving enjoyment.
With the basis of the above text led to
the birth of the ascetic in the first and second century of the Hijra. They
refrain from things that are mundane and do good for the hereafter. Even
encourage them to not care about clothes, food, wealth, charm the world and
strive earnestly to achieve happiness hereafter.
Political conflicts that occurred since
the time of Caliph Uthman bin Affan until the time of the Umayyad dynasty
evolved into a religious issue. Each of the conflicting groups try to justify
themselves respectively. Thus it is clear how the political uproar when it was
pushed in part of the Muslims chose to isolate themselves for the life of
worship and abstain from involvement in political conflict.
At the time of the Umayyad dynasty
(except during Umar bin Abd Aziz) prevalent tyranny and oppression against
their opponents. Among the Umayyad tyranny is the case of the killing of Hasan
bin Ali in Karbela. This murder occurred due to their treachery committed
against him, or the support they provide to their opponents. To rid themselves
of what they have done they also fill life with worship. Besides, there are
groups who feel no need to be obedient to the government of the Umayyad
Along with the expansion of the area that
has been achieved by the Umayyad dynasty soldiers, the lives of the musliminpun
changed. Both in economic and social lapanagan. Social life of the Umayyad
dynasty was far different from life Khilafat Rashidun. They live with the
luxury which sometimes lead to moral decadence. In this state, the Muslims who feel
obliged to call people to life Zuhd, simple, pious and not immersed in the
luxury of sensual impulse. One of the companions who criticize the lives of the
Umayyads was Abu Zar al-Gaffari.
Seeing things like this, people who do
not want to live in luxury and want to retain the simplicity of life such as
age Rasullullah and Khilafat Rashideen distance themselves from the world of
luxury. Meraka known as the ascetic.
This Zuhd life movement began in Kufa and
Basra in Iraq. The ascetic Kufahlah who first wore coarse wool (philosophers)
as a reaction to silk garments worn by officials and the ruling Umayyad
dynasty, such as Sufyan al-Sauri, Abu Hashim and Hashim bin Jabir. Of Basra and
Kufa is Zuhd movement spread all over the Islamic world, especially to a half
century Khurasan 2 H became an important center for political and religious
In a further development of this Zuhd
movement turns into mysticism. Mystical teachings of the cultivated class of
Muslims and adapted to the teachings of Islam called Sufism.
There are several opinions about the
understanding of the origin of the word Sufism, which are:
A. Safa ', meaning pure, clean or pure.
It is viewed in terms of intention or
purpose of each action and the worship of the Sufis that everything is done
sacred intention to cleanse the soul and serve Allah.
2. Saff, it means ranks or rows. So named
because of the Sufis is on the line
in front of God because of their desire for him.
3. Suffah or suffah al-mosque, that
mosque porch .. The term is associated with
in the Prophet's Mosque inhabited by a group of friends, the time
jihad and its berdakwa and left the world.
4. Suf, meaning a fleece or wool. Given
the Sufis wore clothes made
coarse cloth (coarse wool) reaction to silk garments worn by
and the ruling Umayyad dynasty.
The purpose of the run of Sufism is to
establish his religious beliefs to witness the form of God, the Almighty is in
the nature of Sufism desebut. People who can achieve this level of so-called
'wise (those who can know God in the true sense). Alah is not a tool to get to
know faculty or sense, but the heart. In the heart of Sufism is like a mirror
or glass, which directed his glass when the presence of God through meditation
(zikr), will be able to receive the nur of the supernatural, ie God, so God
could look in the mirror called ma'rifah heart. People who occupy these levels
to settle his religious beliefs one hundred percent.
Thus it appears that the teachings of the
Sufis in the patterned akhlaki Umayyad dynasty, ie, moral and mental education
in order to purge the body and soul from worldly influences. In other words,
teaching them to invite the Muslims to live Zuhd as taught and practiced by the
Prophet and the Companions of.
C. Conclusion
A. Factors that led to the development of
education, science and movement
intellectual Umayayah include:
- The
extent of the authority of the Umayyad Dynasty
- The
movement of translation of the books of the Greeks, Persians and Romans to
- The
existence of assemblies and discussion centers that address a variety of fields
- The presence of
attention and encouragement from the rulers to the scientists
2. Development of science and
intellectual movement during the Umayyad Dynasty
is the
forerunner of the development of Islamic civilization which reached its
golden age
during the Abbasid dynasty.
3. The factor that caused the collapse of
Dynasty weakness Ummayah, among
- The
system of government that is leading to competition Absolute monarchy
groups is not clear.
- The
emergence of rebellion-rebellion by groups
agree with the government Umayyads
- Life of
Luxury rulers lead to protests and clashes between
Muslims and the authorities.
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