Posted by Sonin Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012 0 komentar

A. Preliminary
Humans are unique creatures. Thanks to the psychic power of imagery, taste and karsanya, human bias knows that he knows and he knows that he is not aware of. Humans see the world around him and more than that, to know himself. Pesikisnya able to deal with the problems of life penalaaran mathematically according to the principles of deductive and inductive. With the potential sense, overcoming them through an aesthetic approach according to the principle of balance. With a sense of initiative to address the approach according to the principles of ethical behavior. With this principle man can find truth, beauty and goodness to the godly and wise Bohemian (philosophia) (Suparlan Suhartono, 2008: 31). The third of these principles, human conduct in-depth reflection that involves the mind.
Activities involving the philosophy of the human mind as a whole, consistent, and responsible. In that sense the activity of the filusuf tries, reveal about the reality. (Rizal Misnal Muntansyir and Munir, 2002: 10). Disclosure of reality is a movement of thought, and science is one of the fruits of thought (knowledge) of man.
Thinking is not a burden, but an exciting adventure for those who see truth as a primary goal in studying the essence of life. (Jujun Suriasumantri S., 2001: 4). Truth in science is only a chance (most likely), so the discourse of science will continue to grow not staknan, from anti teas and teas rise of both can be developed into a synthesis, so it appears teas, the new proposition.
The search for something that exists (ontology) in the development of thinking will give meaning to life. This can take place in the midst of a complex communication and intraksi with empirical reality in his life.
At tarap thought process in looking for truth, Ontology is one of the objects of philosophy of science claim that set limits on the scope and theory of the nature of reality (Being), whether in physical form (al-Thobi'ah) or metaphysical (ma ba'da al-Thobi'ah) than that Ontology is the nature of science itself and what the nature of truth and reality that is inherent in scientific knowledge is inseparable from the philosophical perspective on what and how that is. In line with the opinion of Aristotle, who mentions several terms, namely: The first philosophy (first philosophy), because knowledge (knowledge of cause) of the existing studies, as there is (the study of being as being), the study of ousia (being), the study of things that are eternal and can not be moved (the study of eternal and imlogmovable), and thelogy. (Rizal Misnal Muntansyir and Munir, 2002: 11).
Grasps the essence of truth can basically when the suspicion (assumption) continue to be made. Because science aims to understand why it happened, because a new knowledge to be true as long as we can accept the assumption put forward, (Jujun Suriasumantri S., 2001: 6). To more clearly following is a discussion of "ontology" in a few assumptions.

B. Discussion
1. Ontology
Ontology is one of the objects filmed philosophy of science which set limits on the scope and theory of the nature of reality, whether it be physical or metaphysical form, other than that Ontology is the nature of science itself and what the nature of truth and reality that is inherent in scientific knowledge is inseparable from philosophical perspective on what and how that is.
Ontology term was first used by Rudolf Goclenius in 1636, others such as Abraham Calovius use this term together with methaphisyca. Johannes Clauberg an adherent of Descartes, ontosophia use the term to encapsulate the ontology issue. But as the term philosophy ontologia finally standardized by Cristian Wolff (1679-1754) and Alexander Cottllieb (1714-1762). (Moses Asy'arie, 2001: 39)
According to Good Lorens cited by Suparlan Suhartono in his book Philosophy of Science Issues Existence and Nature of Science, Ontology in the English language is "ontology" is rooted in bahasaYunani "on" means there, and "ontos" means truth. While the "logos" meaning thought. So thinking about the ontology is available and its existence. (Suparlan Suhartono, 2008: 111). Further described, some of the characteristics of 'ontology, among others: a. Ontology is the study of the meaning of "there" and "being" of the essential features of the existing in itself according to its most abstract; b. Ontology is the branch of philosophy that studies the structure of governance and branches in the sense of reality as possible, using the categories-categories such as: existing or being, actuality or potential, real or appearance, or essential existence, perfection, time and space, change, and so forth. Louis O. Xattsoff translation by (Soejono Soemargono, 1996: 191-213).; C. Ontology is the branch of philosophy that describes the nature of the latter are present, namely the One, the Absolute, the Eternal Form, Perfect and the existence of everything that is absolutely dependent on Him. (Suparlan Suhartono, 2008: 111).
In popular scientific dictionary ontology is defined as a branch of metaphysics that discuss the nature of ultimate reality or being (being).
According Jujun S. Suriasumantri, ontology is the branch of philosophy concerning the nature (form) or more narrowly the nature of the phenomena we want to know. In social science ontology is primarily concerned with the nature of social interaction.
While According to Lois O. Kattsoff among key terms contained in the ontology field is: are-there (being), kenyatan (reality), existence (existence), change (change), single (one), and plural (many). (Lois O. Kattsoff, 1992: 194),
Ontology is also a branch of philosophy that studies on the status of reality is real or false, whether the mind is real, and so forth. (Suparlan Suhartono, 2008: 112).
Ahmad said the anthology discusses the interpretation of the reality of things. Is it consistent with the appearance (appearance) or something that is hidden behind the appearance? Answering these questions there are at least 5 flow, ie, materialism, idealism, dualism, skepticism and agnosticism. (Read: Tafseer Ahmad, 2000: 28-29).
Warmth in the opinion of experts it can be stated that the ontology discuss what is known by man. Karean unlikely that there is no effect on the human mind, then surely that is reflected in the human mind is a reality. Reality (reality) is all that exists. To facilitate the understanding of man, reality is identified to be two things: the fact that can be measured by man and that can not be measured by man. Which can be measured quantitatively by a man known as the reality of matter, while the fact that no human being can be measured quantitatively referred to as non-material reality .. In other words is the fact that the material can be in the senses, such as chairs, cars, planes, blood, and other atoms and non-material to the contrary, as is the non-material mind, soul, mind and others.

 2. Assumptions
The assumption is accepted as the alleged basis or as a basis of reasoning because it is true. Requiring proof of truth by using science (MOEC, 1989: 87). Another opinion suggests that the assumption etymologically means the assumption and conjecture (JS. Badudu and Sutan Muhammad Zein, 1996: 87).
Understanding of the etymology of the above assumptions suggests that any assumption and conjecture can be called with the assumption, as saying: "My assumption about the incident ...", as well as my assumptions about the incident ... ". In scientific terms the assumption is something that is accepted as the basis or foundation of thinking, so in a limited sense of the basic assumptions (lansan) thinking in a problem studied.
According Suharsimi Arikunto that: a. Assumptions as the basis for solid footing for the problem being studied; b. As a confirmation that the center of the study variables; c. As a basis to determine and formulate hypotheses. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 1997: 61).
While Jujun S. Suriasumantri argued that the assumption can be interpreted as a premise or assumption that something is really for the purpose of theoretical developments. Furthermore, he said in developing the assumptions should note a few things, namely: First, this assumption should be relevant to the field of scientific disciplines and assessment purposes. This assumption must be operational and is the basis of theoretical studies. Second, the assumption must be inferred from the circumstances as they are not the state should be. The first assumption is the assumption underlying the scientific study, while the second assumption underlying the moral (Jujun Suriasumantri S., 1999: 90).
More detailed knowledge about the object has three empirical assumptions. The first assumption considers certain objects have a resemblance to one another, for example in terms of form, structure, properties and so on. Based on this then we can group several similar objects into one class. And science does not talk about individual cases but rather a particular class whose members have certain traits that perfectly. The second assumption is the assumption that an object does not change within a certain timeframe. Scientific activity aimed at studying the behavior of an object is always changing every time. The third assumption is that determinism assume any symptom is not a coincidental event. Each symptom has a certain pattern that is fixed with the sequences of the same events. And science also does not require an absolute causal relationship. Determinism in the sense of science has a connotation that is chance (probabilistic). (Burhanuddin Salam, 1997: 86-87)
Based on expert opinion, if the analysis is stated that the assumptions in addition to serve as the basis of observing the object, the assumptions also affect the process of problem solving and hypothesis in research to be carried out by researchers. Because of the assumption, the allegations are unclear as the truth, because there is no supporting facts are valid. In this case the function of Science as knowledge to help solve the practical problems of everyday life, it is not necessary to have the absolute as well as religion. Yet to a certain extent the validity of the science has to generalize. For that there are some things to consider in developing assumptions, namely: First, the assumption must be made relevant to the object, in this connection should be operational because the assumption is the basis of theoretical studies. Second, in developing the assumptions object seen as they are, not the state should be. Third, recognize assumptions used in scientific analysis.

From the above it can be put forward some conclusions as follows:
The existence of philosophy can help anything that can not be solved through science, particularly relating to the nature of something "there" or "maybe no". Ontology is one of the philosophical field investigation, is the first philosophy that has had many mentions in identifying the nature of "reality" (reality). The fact in this case was identified in two things: the fact that can be measured by man and that can not be measured by man. Or so-called material and non material reality.
A new knowledge can be true as long as we accept the assumptions stated. Assumptions in relation to science, there are three things that must be addressed: First, the assumption must be made relevant to the object, in this connection should be operational because the assumption is the basis of theoretical studies. Second, in developing the assumptions object seen as they are, not the state should be. Third, recognize assumptions used in scientific analysis.

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