Posted by Sonin Jumat, 06 Juli 2012 0 komentar


A. Problem Background
In human life, education is a basic requirement. These basic needs are met in order to liberate his true men of the various issues surrounding life. This is because, essentially education is a most effective instrument for human liberation from various forms of oppression, ignorance, poverty and underdevelopment. Therefore, every individual should be given ample opportunity in education so that he could blossom into a dignified creature.
According to Christopher J. Lucas that the education of exceptional power savings to create kesuluruhan environmental aspects and can provide the most valuable information about a handle on life in the future that will ultimately help students prepare for the essential needs for the face of change. (Muhammad Tuwah, 2008: 6-7)
It could be argued that education in general has a very central role in encouraging individuals and communities to achieve progress in all aspects of life. So education was instrumental in shaping the human person is good or bad according to the size of the normative. Aware of this, the government is serious about education, because with a good education system is expected to appear next generation of qualified and capable of adapting to living in a society, nation and state.
Education is very important that no human being would be difficult to develop education and even going backward. Thus diupaya education and training for all potential development of both physical and spiritual human being without exception. With all the potential development and coaching, education is expected to usher in an achievement of human culture that upholds the human nature of man.
Education can be defined as a process of changing the behavior of students in order to become mature human beings capable of living independently and as a member of the community in the surrounding natural environment in which the individual resides. (Syaiful Sagala, 2005: 3), Shah Muhibbin line with the opinion, that education is "a process or certain methods that people acquire knowledge, understanding, and how to behave in accordance with needs." (Muhibbin Shah, 2002: 10)
Guided by the opinion of the above can be said that education is a certain process is done to individuals in order for these individuals to gain knowledge, understanding, and behavior in accordance with the purpose of this process is to say that education is where the development of human potential itself, so he is able to interact in the environment it faces.
Changes in a person both physically and psychologically as a result of its relationship with the environment called the results of the study. Psychologically "learning is a process of behavior change as a result of interaction of the environment to meet their needs." (Slameto, 2003: 2) Learning is a process. It means that learning occurs dynamically and continuously which leads to changes in the child. Changes in question can be either knowledge (knowledge) or behavior (behavior). (Sidjabat: 79-81, accessed March 25, 2009)
The importance of student learning for students who are studying in institutions run school, then to get good results is influenced by inggi anyway, because the interest is something that membuata force someone interested in the lessons. If we have a strong interest to learn something, we will study it seriously and we will direct our thoughts, energy and time to learn it without any coercion from the messengers and others. We are going to move itself in the study, the greater our interest to a lesson, the more we are compelled to master it.
Indicators of students' interests can be diligent students come to school, understand the importance of education they need to go, always repeating the lessons at home and others. Heightened awareness to always review the lessons that have been plainly taught in schools.
In effect the many factors that affect student interest in internal factors include the physical, health, disability, psychological, intelligence, talent, preparedness and fatigue, as an external factor, namely the family, how to educate parents (including interest), family economic circumstances, the atmosphere households and understanding parents. "(Slameto, p. 54)
As was stated above that there are two factors that can affect a person's interest in learning, one of which is that going to be the author of this discussion is about the influence of the School of Education Free Application Of Student Interest in Islamic elementary Bailangu Mustaqim Sekayu Banyuasin today, which includes the external factors that can affect students' interest in learning, especially for the low (poor).
The central and local government is obliged to provide services and facilities, and guarantee the implementation of quality education for every citizen without discrimination (Article 11 Paragraph 1), and ensure the availability of funds for implementation of education for every citizen over the age of seven years to fifteen years (Article 11 Paragraph 2). Furthermore, reiterated that the funding of education, educators in addition to salary and service costs, are allocated at least 20% of the state budget or the budget (Article 49 Paragraph 1). (Muhammad Tuwah, p. 118)

With the regional autonomy, local governments have a broader opportunity set and improve the performance of education systems through the provision of support for the availability of facilities, infrastructure and adequate funding, so that public service can be implemented in a more equitable, relevant, efficient and effective.
Banyuasin District Government has allocated 20% more than the budget for education sector. Its use, among others, to free schools from elementary to high schools that have been running from 2004 to schools later in the year 2006 without exception all of them in public or private gratiskan.
District Government awareness Banyuasin to education due to the realization that despite the potential of natural resources abundant in the province without the support of the human family resources, it is impossible for the District Government Banyuasin be advanced and leading counties. That's why the first sector to consider is education. The birth of a free school policy as a District government commitment Banyuasin carry the mandate of Act No.. 32 of 2004, Act No. 20 of 2003 and the success of 9-year compulsory education program. Most of all, free education policy is a form of caring Banyuasin District Government to eradicate poverty, ignorance, and backwardness.
Free school program is one of the District government Banyuasin, it is also a main consideration to choose the location of the study authors, in addition to District Government Banyuasin also known as a pioneer of free schools, especially in this region Banyuasin.
With the free school has helped people who are unable (poor) to get an education. That education is not only felt by the rich people only, but can be felt by the entire community of Banyuasin. But with the policies of the District Government Banyuasin of free tuition is not necessarily going to increase student interest in learning. This is where that are at issue in this study and the question of the cost of free school education, the interest will increase student learning or vice versa.
Based on preliminary observations, through interviews with the author of one of the teachers in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin, get the data that the program of the District Government penggratisan Banyuasin about declining interest in school education costs of student learning. Arguing that because the cost is borne by the parents again, so it was successful or not successful in the study still does not change the amount of costs to the parents out. So even if students do not succeed in learning, parents do not lose, because the tuition was released, here seen from the reduced interest in student learning. But a glimpse of the early observations of this writer is not necessarily true, and to find out kebenarnya, I want to do this research by pouring in the title of a study entitled "Effect of Application of Free Schools of Education Student Interests Against the Poor in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin".

B. Limitations
Problems examined in this study only includes the influence of the free school tuition for poor students' interest in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin.
C. Problem formulation
From the background of the issues mentioned above it can be formulated by the author of the following problems:
1. How does the cost of free school education in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin?
2. How poor student interest in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin?
3. Is there an effect of free education to poor students' interest in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin?
D. Purpose and Usability Research
A. The purpose of this study are as follows:
a. To find out the cost of school education and understanding of the legal basis of school education expenses.
b. To find out the cost of free school education in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin.
c. To find out students' interest in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin.
d. To find out if there are any significant effect or no effect of the cost of free school education to students' interests.
2. The usefulness of this study are as follows:
a. In practical terms. The results of this study can contribute to thinking about the concept of education financing.
b. Theoretically. The study is expected to memberikat real ideas and lets be further developed into the theory in order to add insight and knowledge.

E. Hypothesis
The hypothesis in this study is a temporary answer to the problem of the theoretical studies considered the highest level of truth. Technically, a hypothesis is a statement about the state of the population to be verifiable through the data obtained from the study sample.
Based on the above opinion, the hypothesis that the writer suggested in this study were no significant effects between the cost of free school education to the students' interest in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin.
F. Research Variables
To clarify and simplify the scheme of this study can be used or a variable as follows:
Variable X Variable Y
BiayaPendidikan Free School Student Interests
G. Operational Definitions
The operational definition in this study are as follows:
1. Variable effect: the cost of free school education
Free school education, that students educated in not paying the money into the school, student tuition fees are not paid monthly, package books loaned by the school, money school buildings are not charged to students, and others are given from the school, and money ektrakurikuler use of facilities or infrastructure for free. So long as these obligations must be paid by the student, but that now it is the responsibility of local government districts under the rules of the Regent Banyuasin Banyuasin 2004 on guidelines for the implementation of free education program in the district Banyuasin.
2. Affected variables: student Interests
Interest is a preferred taste and interest in a matter of activity, without being told. Basically the interest is the acceptance of a relationship between ourselves with something beyond themselves. Thus, students' interest in this study is a sense of interest and desire to learn for students to follow the lessons in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin. Which includes the activity of the students follow the lesson, the students feelings towards the subject and the teacher, students' attitudes or behavior during the lesson, spirit or passion in learning at school and at home.
Interests of students belonging to the high category with the following indicators:
a. Students are always actively participates in class
b. Active in listening to the teacher when the subject matter
c. Always active in the home
d. Students are always happy and eager to follow the lessons given by teachers
e. Interest of the students are classified as being with the following indicators:
f. Students sometimes feel lazy to receive lessons from a teacher
g. Sometimes students are bored and less active in the subject matter of the teacher receives
h. Less active students studying at home.
Interests of students belonging to the category of less or lower with the following indicators:
a. Students were not happy with the course material provided by the teacher
b. Truant students or less active when the lesson begins
c. Students do not have the passion to learn
d. Students are not active at home
Understanding Learning by Oemar hamalik understanding of learning is growth or change in a person that is expressed in the ways of behaving which new thanks to the experience and training.
Meanwhile, according to WS Winkel understanding of learning is "a mental or psychic activity is ongoing and active interaction with the environment that result in changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, this change is relative, spontaneous and memorable."
Based on the above understanding, it can be understood that learning is a process of change in human behavior change in both physical and spiritual changes that come from experience and practice.
So is the trend of interest in learning and attention and the desire to know and learn something in an effort to change the behavior of physical and spiritual.
H. Theory framework
The theory is used as a reference framework in this study that is under Slameto in his book "Learning and Factors that influence" that:
"The passion for learning is essentially among the many factors that influence internal factors and ektern, internal factors, namely physical, health, disability, psychological, intelligence, talent, preparedness and kekelahan, namely ektern factor family, how to educate parents (including interest) , family economic circumstances, the atmosphere of the household and the understanding of parents. "
Based on the above opinion, things that can affect students' learning interests of ektern factor is family economic circumstances and factors that into the discussion of the principal authors on the study, namely the cost of school education is no longer the responsibility of the parents, instead of local government responsibility, means that local governments eliminate school fees of students.
I. Research Methodology
1. Population and Sample
The population in this study were all students of classes IV, V and VI MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin, totaling 105 students, grade IV, V and VI serve the population on the basis that this class has made it possible to examine how much interest in learning students, because the study period is long enough. While the underlying class is used as the study population is given a new one.
Then, because given the time constraints, the number of samples in this study the authors menganbil 50% of the total population. This is in accordance with the opinion Suharsimi Arikunto, "that if the subject is less than 100, preferably made of all. However, if greater, can be taken between 10-15% or 20-50% or more ". So the number of samples in this study is 100 x 50% = 50 students.
2. Types and Sources of Data
a. Data Types
The data in this study consisted of qualitative data and quantitative data. Quantitative descriptive data that describes and explains the data with figures drawn from the scores of influence between the cost of free school education and student interest.
b. Source of Data
A. Primary data, ie data is taken directly through the respondent is concerned with methods of observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation relating to the effect of the application for free school education to the students' interest in Islamic elementary Bailangu Mustaqim Sekayu
2. Secondary data, ie data obtained from the principal, office administrator, dekumentasi, archives and literature pertaining to this research.
3. Data Collection Tool
a. Questionnaire
This method is used as a principal to facilitate the collection of data, regarding the effect of the implementation of free education to students' interests. The questionnaire method used in the form of closed and open inquiry in which students will be given a number of questions about issues related to the cost of free school education and student interest.
b. Observation
This method is used to systematically observe and write about the object state schools, the cost of school education in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu, and interest in student learning.
c. Interview
This method is used to collect data on the history of MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin, student interests and problems associated with this research. The interviews were conducted for teachers, schools and other devices.
d. Documentation
This method is used to obtain data on the number of teachers and students and student achievement is documented as the value of report cards.
4. Data Collection Tool
a. Questionnaire
This method is used as a principal to facilitate the collection of data, regarding the effect of the implementation of free education to students' interests. The questionnaire method used in the form of closed and open inquiry in which students will be given a number of questions about issues related to the cost of free school education and student interest.
b. Observation
This method is used to systematically observe and write about the object state schools, the cost of school education in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin, and interest in student learning.
c. Interview
This method is used to collect data about the achievement MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin, student interests and problems associated with this research. The interviews were conducted for teachers, schools and other devices.
d. Documentation
This method is used to obtain data on the number of teachers, number of students, and others, so it can be used as evidence of the research to be carried out if possible.
5. Data Analysis Techniques
If the data that has been needed has been developed and recapitulated terkumppul subsequently analyzed using product moment correlation formula as follows:
  = Number of the cross product (product of the moment), including: cell frequency (f) with f 'and y'.
cx '= value of correlation in the variable x which can be sought / obtained by the formula:
cy '= value of correlation in the variable y which can be sought / obtained by the formula:
SDX '= standard deviation score x, the mean score as I unit (where I = I)
SDY '= standard deviation score x, the mean score as I unit (where I = I)
N = Number of cases

J. Systematics Discussion
The discussion is divided into five chapters with the following description:
Introduction Chapter I consists of background problems, limitations problems, the formulation of the problem, purpose and usefulness of research, hypothesis, research variables, the theoretical framework, operational definitions, research methodologies, and systematic discussion.
The theoretical foundation of Chapter II contains the theoretical basis which includes understanding the cost of school education, the legal basis the cost of school education, free school education, understanding, interest in learning, and factors that influence interest in learning and a variety of interests.
Chapter III The state of the learning process in the MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin.
Chapter IV Implementation of the School of Education Free and interest in learning to discuss and analyze the data on the effect of tuition free schools, free school education implementation constraints, the state of student interest and influence the cost of free school education to the students' interest in MI Mustaqim Bailangu Sekayu Banyuasin.
Chapter V conclusions
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