Rabu, 11 Juli 2012
Education is the most important thing in life, because
without education a person will not be able to know the outside world, without
science can not possibly achieve what is expected and that in all aspire, in
the form of happiness in this world and hereafter. Because of the intimated by
the prophet Muhammad that if you want to be happy in the world with knowledge,
if you want to be happy in the hereafter then with science and if you want both
then with science. To gain knowledge through education is necessary. According
to Mansur Isna Islam covers all aspects of life, and to achieve future life
must start from now and this just might be achieved by science. By quoting
Fazlurrohman Isna Mansur said that reform in any shape to go through with
education. (Mansur Isna, 2001: 64)
But the goal of education who recently less attention,
which in recent educational purposes leads to the formation of less perfect
man, especially the persistence of the pengkotoman between public science and
the science of religion, whereas the purpose of education is nothing but to
form a perfect man or perfect. That education today is not complete or perfect
the human form are eligible to become caliph on earth, but humans are individualistic,
materialistic and pragmatic. This is fatal because of the strong oppress the
weak, who swam the authority remains strong and oppress the weak, with no
memory of sin. So this is where we will raise a theme that provides meaning and
importance of education for us, which we took from the famous Muslim filusuf
thought that "Al-Ghazali".
1. Brief of Al-Ghazali
His full name was Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad
al-Ghazali. He was born in the village
of Thus Spake . Region of Khorasan , Iran
in the year 450 AH / 1058 AD his father was a craftsman weaving wool and
traders. He was eminent Islamic thinkers who hold the title "defender of
Islam" (hujjatul Islam), religious ornaments (Zainuddin), an ocean away
(bahrun mughriq), and religious reformer. This title is based on the breadth of
knowledge and charity, and his life full of struggle and sacrifice in defending
the religious teachings of the various attacks. (C.A. Qadir, 1991: 103)
Al-Ghazali was the first time between Sufism and Shari'ah
combines in one system. (CA Qadir, 1991: 104) He studied first at a Sufi in the
country's Thus, then he moved to Jurjan Naisabur to study science and religion
in the most famous scholars of the Imam al-Haramain Diya al-Din al-Juwayni, he
Naisabur a director at the school, he learned the science is the science of
fiqh, usul fiqh, mantiq, and the science of kalam.
In the year 478 AH / 1058 AD al-Ghazali lived in al-Muaskar
and then moved to Baqhdad to become a lecturer at the University Ridzamiyah in
the year 484 AH / 1091 AD He died on 14 Jamadi's Thus the end date of 505 AH /
January 19 the year 1111 AD (Abudin Nata, 1993: 91)
Ideology that brought the "al-ma'rifah" so as
jasanyalah Sufism can be generally accepted among experts of shari'ah.
According ma'rifat secret is knowing God and knowing the rules, of all things,
which he expressed in his words, namely:
الاطلاع على اسرارالربية و العلم
بترتب الامورالالهية المحيطة بكل الموجودات.: (Hamka, 1984:.
According ma'rifat in Sufism is a level where the hijab is
lost face in front of a Sufi, so he can see his soul with the heart of God and
other things that can not be seen by ordinary humans.
He also explained that people who have ma'rifat about God,
he would not say the words Ya Allah or Ya Rabb, because the call of God with
such words indicate that God is behind the curtain is still dealing with his
people will not call his friend's words. (Hamka, 1984:. 135.) Ma'rifat her
first order of the mahabah, because mahabah timbuh of ma'rifat and for
al-Ghazali mahabah not mahabah as recited by the Rabbinic, but mahabah love for
him is in the form of a love and mercy of God to man that gives human life,
sustenance, pleasure, and others. Mahabah and ma'rifat is the highest level
that can be achieved by a Sufi. The knowledge gained from ma'rifat thinks more
and higher quality than the knowledge acquired through reason. (Harun Nasution,
1979: 78)
2. Thoughts on Education
Imam Al Ghazali's thoughts about education in the field of
Islamic education is very broad, can generally be grouped as follows:
First: Learners. Students in their studies should have the
determination to seek knowledge (sincerely for Allah). Al-Ghazali says that if
a man intends to seek knowledge to compete and compete in progress, then you
will lose money, and your teacher will claim that you are in disobedience, you
are like a sword sellers who sold his wares to the street mugger. (Al Ghazali,
2008: 141)
Second: The nature of Islamic education. According to
Al-Ghazali is to gain happiness in this world and hereafter, (Al Ghazali, 2008:
322) and on the other kesemptan he said that the highest happiness of man lies
in makrifat Allah, "Al-Ghazali said that the feeling of happiness,
pleasure and satisfaction to be gained if he did all that was ordered by temperament.
Nature of all things is all that is created for him. Pleasure of the eyes in
beautiful images, delight the ears on the melodious sounds, and thus all the
limbs. Only heart felt pleasure to know Allah (God ma'rifah). (Al Ghazali,
2008: 270)
Third: The cornerstone of education in line with the
educational nature of Islam, Al-Ghazali argued that education is the foundation
of Al-Qur'an, Al-Hadith and Ijtihad. Ber ijtihad Muslims urge everyone to be
able diligence with extensive knowledge. But Al-Ghazali also said that not
everyone is capable of diligence, then by al Ghazali bertaqlid Muslims should,
but do not be blind to panatik bertaqlid against priests, let alone outside
mengkafirkan who studied them. (Al Ghajali, 2003: 25-26)
Fourth: Method of learning the lessons. When Imam Al
Ghazali complete the book Sirr al-'mafi Kasyaf Alamain wa ad-Darain (Reveals
the Secrets of Two Natural and What's in the world and the hereafter). He said:
"I intentionally make this book as a guide to take power, a stimulant to
get it, ways to fight it, and the pillars of the holistic meanings ... and he
said: This is a glorious book that should not be ruled out, he said. Because it
contains secrets that require disclosure, although the natural disposition
rejected. It also contained the noble sciences and cues that indicate ambiguity
secrets are not known except by the people of the wisdom.
Fifth, the curriculum. Curriculum that students learn
important are 1) Morals and Worship. Al-Ghazali said, since first waking up
human sleep / educators should make all of his activities as worship, worship
hendahnya means, not only the practice of worship mahdhoh alone but should
perform activities that are meaningful and valuable. These activities in order
to worship should be done with the rules of Islam. For example, wake manners,
should wake up before dawn, in a toilet etiquette and so forth. (Al Gahazali,
2008: 146-200). Social and political curriculum in maintaining state security.
Health, he says Al Ghazali Be careful with the poison on food, beverages,
clothing, bedding up to sepreimu. History curriculum, Al Ghazali tells the
history of Kalam experts. Management leadership, medicine. (Al Ghazali, 2008:
Sixth, the purpose of Islamic education. According to
Al-Ghazali's basic purpose is to provide Islamic education to become a devout
servant of God with all aspects of life, deeds, thoughts, and feelings.
Besides, the goal is to know and practice their religion properly, get equipped
to achieve the happiness of the world and hereafter.
Responsible for educating. According to Imam Al Ghazali,
there are three environmentally responsible in educating children. The third
environment is responsible for the family (both parents), the government on its
people, and society. (Al Ghazali, 2008: 324-347)
3. Thought relevance to the concept of Al Ghazali Islamic
a. Definition and Objectives of Islamic Education
Talking about the understanding of Islamic education in
particular are held in institutions - formal educational institutions in
various levels and in institutions - institutions that are informal or formal,
educational experts in translating the same but there are differences in
wording, but there is a unity of opinion, that is focused the system
application of religious teachings of Islam into the lives of children.
According to Imam al-Ghazali's conclusion that the ultimate
purpose of education and training that there are 2, namely:
Human perfection that leads to the approach to God.
Human perfection that leads to the happiness of the world
and the hereafter.
In line with the opinion Zuhairini religious education
means: efforts in a systematic and pragmatic in helping their students so that
they live according to religious teachings of Islam. While the teaching of
religion means the provision of religious knowledge to children, in order to
have a science of religion. (Zuhairini, 1993: 27)
Further in the opinion of Ahmad D. Marimba, that Islamic
religious education is:
Islamic education is a physical and spiritual guidance
based on the law - Islamic religious law leading to the formation of the major
personalities of Islam according to the size measure. The next major
personality, the personality is mentioned Muslim personalities have religious
values of Islam, to choose and decide, and act based on values - values
of Islam, and is responsible in accordance with the value - the value of
Islam. (Marimba, 1989: 23-24)
Further, according to Mahmud Yunus explained that the
Islamic Religious Education is to prepare the children - children to adulthood
at a time when the world doing good deeds and the Hereafter, so as to create
happiness with the world and the hereafter. (Jonah, tth: 10
Al-Ghazali was a lot of attention devoted to the field of
teaching and education. Therefore, he saw that science itself is a virtue, and
above all. Therefore, her master of science, including the purpose of education
by looking at the values they contain and because science is a path that
leads you to happiness in the hereafter as well as a means to draw closer to
Therefore, he concluded that education is the process of
humanizing mankind since the end of his life happened sampi through a variety
of science teaching delivered in the form of a gradual process in which the
teaching is the responsibility of parents and the community. (Ibn Abidin Rusn,
1998: 56)
Given that education is important for us, then al-Ghazali
also explained about the purpose of education, namely:
- Draw closer to God, that his form is the ability and self-awareness required to practice their religion and traditions.
- Explore and develop potential or human nature.
- Human beings to realize the professionalism of the mundane task with the best.
- Forming a noble man, the holy spirit of humility and gratitude despicable traits.
- Develop the properties of major human, human to become human.
Departing from the notion of education according to
al-Ghazali, can be understood that education is a tool for achieving a goal.
Education in the process requires a tool, which is teaching or study groups.
Since the beginning of human birth to the end we are always dependent on others.
In terms of education, people (humans) that depend called the pupil while
dependent upon so-called teachers. Students and teachers is what is referred to
as the subject of education. (Ibn Abidin Rusn, 1998: 94)
Therefore, the direction of al-Ghazali education toward the
perfect man who can mendcapai purpose of the happiness of his life and
Hereafter, this lasted until his death. This means that human life is always a
resident as a student. If the current is associated with life-long education.
This is consistent with the obligation to seek knowledge in Islam, as in
pribahasanya "Ilma utlubul minal mahdi ilal lahdi" means: Acquire
knowledge of buawaian to keliang grave.
Of some notion expressed by the experts at the top, then
with these authors conclude that Islam is a religious education guidance,
instruction provided by teachers with the purpose of guidance, instruction is
given by the education with the aim that children can understand and practice
the teachings - teachings of religion Islam in the life and living, and can
make it as a guideline and a handle on life both globally and in the hereafter.
Talking about the purpose of Islamic religious education is
basically the same as the Islamic religious education regulations, and the
experts there are also differences in the structure and wording. But that share
a common intent. Then, according to Ahmad D. Marimba, PAI was actually aimed at
"Identical to the purpose of life every Muslim" to be a servant of
God and his purpose in life is to surrender ourselves completely to - him. And
according to PAI Ditbinperta goal is the establishment of the Muslim
personality, namely that all aspects kerpibadian inspired by the teachings of
Islam. Muslim men who have personality in the Qur'an called Muttaqun the person
devoted to God, God the creator and sustainer of the universe and human beings.
(Marimba, 1989: 48-49)
Devotion which is expected to be radiated by the science,
because that God is very pleased to find people who like science. So as
believers need to increase vocabulary knowledge. As word of Allah in the Qur'an
(Koran Fathir 35: 28).
It means: "Only God's servants who have ilmulah to be
devoted to God".
Therefore, the purpose of Islamic religious education
is synonymous with the goal of one's life in the Muslim world is summed up in
the word of Allah SWT as follows:
: وماخلقت الجن والإنسا إلا ليعبد ون
It means: "And I created not the jinns and humans,
except that they worship - I" (Surah 51: 56)
In the words of his others, Allah Almighty affirmed to the
people especially the Muslims that:
It means: "And they were not ordered except to worship
Allah with obedience to Him purifies in explaining the right religion."
(Qur'an 98: 5)
Besides worshiping God, then every Muslim in this world
must have ideals - ideals to achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter,
as the word of Allah is mentioned in the following ::
It means: "Among them there are who say, yes we give
to our god good in the world and the hereafter, and save us from the torment of
the Fire." (QS: 2: 201)
It is clear that the goal of Islamic religious education is
principally a goal to be achieved by any person exercising his religious
education in the form of appreciation, understanding and knowledge that will
mature religious knowledge gained.
b. Basis - the basis of Islamic Education
The fundamentals of Islamic religious education munurut Al
Ghazali is one part of Islamic teachings, because the teaching of the Qur'an,
the Sunnah and Ijtihad if necessary. (Al Ghazali, 2003: 25)
In the word of God confirms His:
It means: "And we make it easier for al-Quran is there
any lesson to draw lessons from it". (QS: 54: 17)
In a hadith Allah's Apostle said:
هي لمن
قلنا ثلاثا الدينالنصيعةالدريقالرسولاالله ص. م: تميم عن
It means: "From al-Tamim has said of the apostle of
Allah said that religion is sincere; three times, we asked Allah's Apostle told
him yes, to answer the prophet of Allah and His Book, to His Messenger and to
chairman-katua (leadership -leader) of Muslims and people - other people (many
people) in general ". (HR.Muslim).
Based on the above it can be said that Islamic education
already exists in the Qur'an, Hadith, and Ijtihad that until now could be
beneficial to all mankind from ancient times until now.
c. Criteria of educators in the view of Islam
Al Ghazali's view of teachers should be noble, always
grateful, always mengintropeksi self, intentions straight, knowledgeable and
practice it, leave things that are not useful. (Al Ghazali, 2008: 224-279)
Meanwhile, according to Zakiah Dharajat teachers are
professional educators, thereby implicitly he has volunteered his acceptance of
some responsibility and have the education that terpikul dipundak parents.
Terms of teachers should have fear of Allah, knowledgeable knowledge, physical
health, behavior, personality is good. A good teacher personality here means a
teacher who has akhlakul karimah which the teacher must love his post, to be
fair, valid patient and calm. Teachers must be authoritative, the teacher
should be happy, be humane and work with other teachers. Zakiah Daradjat,
(Zakiah Daradjat, p. 19)
A teacher should also clean the body, away from sin and
error, clean spirit, envy, pemusuhan, strife and reproach properties. Sincerity
and honesty of a teacher in his work is the best path toward success in work
and successful students. Teachers also have to be forgiving of his students, he
was able to hold back, restrain anger, roomy heart, a lot of patience and do
not be angry because of small causes. (M. Athiyah al-Abrasyi, p. 135-1380)
From the above arguments can be concluded that teachers
should be role models for their students, and working professionally.
d. Methods and Islamic Education Curriculum
The word is widely understood method is all the means used
in an effort to educate. (Tafsir Ahmad, p: 131).
While the educational curriculum according to al-Ghazali is
the scientific material presented to students should be in sequence, starting
from memory properly, understand, understand, believe, and to justify what he
received. (Fathiyah Hassan Sulaiman, 1993: 18).
Curriculum over the pentahapannya the special education
delivery methods, namely:
a special method of religious education
This method is in principle at the start by memorizing and
understanding, then proceed with confidence and justification, after the
enforcement of the arguments and information that can support the strengthening
of faith.
b The specific method of education ahklak
The method in this case the form of an attitude rooted in
the spirit that gave birth to a variety of considerations and actions without
thinking first, which is an act that came out spontaneously.
With the method, then conclude that Ghazali leads to the
formation of noble character, that he made the Koran as the basic curriculum in
education. Then the Hadith and Ijtihad if necessary.
While the methods of education in Islam are many, but the
simplest method and it is quite clear is the method of Luqman Al-Hakim, because
this method is a method of direct conversation with a child, then the
element-element method is clear and focused. Elements has been described in the
Word of Allah SWT.
"And (remember) when Luqman said to his son, at the
time he gave a lesson to him:" My son, do not be to Allah, Verily allying
(Allah) is truly a great injustice. And we told people (doing good) to two
mother-father; mother has conceived him in a weakened state that increase
steadily, and weaning was in two years. Be grateful to me and the two mothers
father, is mine only to your return. And if they strive to make with me something
that does not exist knowledge, Do not follow them, and accompany them in the
world with the good, and follow the way of the return to me, then, is mine only
to return, then Kuberitakan you what you have been doing. (said Luqman): "
My son, Indeed, if there is (a deed) weight of mustard seed, and are in stone
or in heaven or in earth, Allah will bring it (it forth). Allah is Subtle,
Aware. My son, Set up a prayer, command (the human) that is good and forbid
(them) from the unjust actions and the patient of what befalls you. Truly that
is including things that are required (by Allah). And do not you turn away your
face from humans (for pride) at men nor walk in insolence through the earth.
Allah loves not those who pride themselves proud again. And moderate in running
and lunakkanlah voice. Surely an evil sound is the sound a donkey ". (Q.S.
Luqman (31): 13-19)
The method described in the paragraph above if attributed
in modern times is, a method of education with the advice, and this method
should be coupled with a method of education by example. Because the advice
though to evoke the soul, but it requires the driving element of the spirit
soul is capable of directing it to perfection. (Hasan Mansyur, 2002: 158)
So the effectiveness of the application of a field of study
was originally located on the accuracy of the use of teaching methods used by
educators, for example in the application of the teaching of Islamic Education
subject areas rests essentially on the conditions and atmosphere of teaching students
who performed in accordance with the material being taught. It can even be said
to all the teaching methods applied in the field of study has been applied in
PAI PAI subject areas such as methods of application, frequently asked
questions, administration tasks and so on, the point is should be the method
bil wisdom.
While the curriculum is the foundation of education in the
world where Islam is the Qur'an contained in two major principles that are
related to faith, personality called Aqidah Morals, and are associated with the
If we look back from the advice of Luqman Al-Hakim at the
top of the first diwasiatkan by Luqman Al-Hakim told his son that is, do not
shirk to Allah, this means that educators need to provide education about
monotheism. The second problem is more widespread religious faith discussion of
issues that may not be the limit. However, Luqman Al-Hakim was wise able to
take great wisdom in the matter, namely to advise their children to the
importance of worship, especially prayer. He said: O my son! Establish salat.
"All because prayer is the first time are required to worship Allah to
mankind who believe in Him. Therefore, educators must provide a curriculum of
worship to their children.
Third, family-oriented, in the paragraph above to explain
to their children about how bermuamalah (berhubungang) between him and the
Creator with His Oneness and worship Him sincerely. Later he expanded the scope
muamalah with a closer and allow it to be combined with muamalah that were
presented, namely family relationships (especially between the two parents).
Fourth, in the verse implied that Luqman al-Hakim did not
forget that the child will socialize with people like themselves and must
always be optimistic in the environment and people around him. Luqman Al-Hakim
did not forget to explain that any society is not free from flaws and debates
that occurred between the individual members. Therefore he will focus on
community for his son to try to overcome all obstacles and all the
contradictions that exist according to his ability. And
Fifth, the curriculum is oriented to the formation of
personality, because if you want a child as a person who invites the good in
the midst of the people who should be calling enjoin evil, then he should make
his tower that emits light from a guide for people in around him, namely human
personality such as patience, humility, modest in walking, and so soften the
Generally speaking the moral work commanded by God (Morals
mahmudah) and away from the banned Virtue by Allah SWT (Morals mazmuah). Why is
education important for human morality? The answer is because the position of
morality in human life occupies an important position. The importance of this
individual character, but also in private life, it is also in family life and
society even felt in the life of the nation or state.
As in said in a hadith, which means: "Verily, Allah of
Islam encompassing a akhlakul karimah (good manners) and good manners,
too." Then dalah another hadith, which means: "A good deed is a good
character. While that sin is anything that shake your heart (soul) that you
hate to see it to others ". (Narrated by Muslim)
Of the above methods and curriculum clearly illustrated to
us that the method should suit the conditions of students and teaching
environment, in other words according to the physical and non physical
environment. Semetara curriculum outline includes a minimum of covering the
curriculum of Islamic creed, worship and morality, general science such as
political, social, health and so forth. Plus the science of kalam, philosophy,
and the saint in the form of the language curriculum as a tool in understanding
the verses and other books.
From the above description can be concluded that education
is a process that aims to humanize human beings form the perfect man to be a
caliph in the earth. And the presence of human education is expected to be able
to achieve the goal of his life in the world and the hereafter, and life guided
by the Qur'an and the Hadith.
Students should have a sincere intention to study, and
educators should be good role models for their students, and the study has a
clear vision and mission. Then the method will be used, here we can learn from
the story of Luqman Al-Hakim, and the stages of a major science and the first
to pick it up, in other words to the curriculum should be structured, if there
is a conditional curriculum. Or for other considerations.
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